Justice as Harmony: Rawlsian, Contractual Methodology for Reconstructing a Confucian Conception of Distributive Justice / Pino, John Ryan.
Title in Chinese at head of t.p. 正义与“和”:以罗尔斯的契约方法重构儒家之分配正义观念 [正義與「和」:以羅爾斯的契約方法重構儒家之分配正義觀念] Thesis (Ph.D.)--中 国 哲 学 (Chinese philosophy)--Fudan University, 2017. Includes bibliographical references (p. 134-138)
中文摘要 导言 ............... 5 第1 章 ........... 6 第2 章 ........... 7 第3 章 ........... 8 结论 ............. 10 Summary....... 13 Chapter 1 ............. 15 Chapter 2 ............. 16 Chapter 3 ............. 17 Conclusion .......... 19 Introduction ....... 22 What Is Distributive Justice? A Preliminary Discussion ..... 24 Justifying the Comparison .... 27 Three Types of Incommensurability ..... 29 The Objection from “Thick” Conceptions ..... 32 The Lexical Objection ...... 34 Setting the Stage ............ 36 Chapter 1: Confucianism’s Political Priority and Telos .... 39 1.1 First Things First: Confucianism’s Political Priority ... 39 1.2 Confucianism’s Political Telos: Harmony (He 和) ....... 43 1.3 Harmony in Context: The Relation of He with Confucian Virtues ... 48 1.3.1 Xiao 孝 ............... 49 1.3.2 Yi 義 ................... 51 1.3.3 Ren 仁 (and Shu 恕) .. 53 Chapter 2: Social Contract and John Rawls’s Theory of Justice as Fairness . 58 2.1 Social Contract Theory .......................... 58 2.2 A Theory of Justice: Rawls’s Anti-Utilitarian Contractualism .......... 59 2.3 The Basic Structure and a Well-Ordered Society ......... 61 2.4 The “Original Position” and “Veil of Ignorance” ......... 64 2.5 Justice as Fairness and the Two Principles of Justice .......... 66 2.6 Justice as Fairness and the Self ................ 69 2.7 Justice: Sense, Concept, and Conception/Theory .............. 73 Chapter 3: Reconstructing a Confucian Conception of Justice ........ 75 3.1 “Justice” in Confucianism? The Sense-Concept-Conception Distinction...... 76 3.1.1 The Concept of Justice in Confucianism ............. 76 3.1.2 Erin Cline on the Capacity for a Sense of Justice in Confucianism ........... 80 3.2 Toward a Confucian Contract: A Methodological Approach ....... 83 3.3 The Confucian Notion of Persons ............. 89 3.3.1 The Relational Self ...................... 90 3.3.2 Free? ..................... 92 3.3.3 Equal? ................... 93 3.3.4 Autonomous? ......... 95 3.3.5 Rational? ............... 99 3.3.6 Mutually Disinterested? ..... 100 3 3.3.7 Summary of the Confucian “Initial Situation” ...... 104 3.4 Confucian Principles of Distributive Justice ............... 105 3.4.1 Against the Priority of Liberty: A Principle of Harmony in Distribution ....... 106 3.4.2 A Confucian Difference Principle: Balancing Equality and Hierarchy . 109 3.4.3 Expanding on the Confucian Difference Principle with Xiao ......... 115 3.4.4 A Baseline of Material Sufficiency ................. 118 3.4.5 Equal Educational Opportunity with Unequal Outcomes ....... 123 Conclusion ............ 125 Weaknesses of This Approach and Potential Developments ....... 125 Sign of a Contract: Consider the Historical Ideal ........ 127 Sign of a Contract: Heaven’s Mandate (Tian Ming 天命) and the Stability Condition .... 128 Contemporary Relevance ........ 129 Conclusion ........... 131 Bibliography ...... 134 Acknowledgements .. 139
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