Author | Elison, GeorgeFukan [Fucan] Fabian 不干斉ハビアン, 1565-1621Ferreira, Christovão [Sawano Chūan沢野忠庵], ca. 1580-ca. 1652Suzuki Shōsan 鈴木正三, 1579-1655 |
Place | Cambridge, MA |
Publisher | Harvard University Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Shelf | Hallway Cases, Digital Archives |
Call Number | BR1306.E4 1973 |
Description | xiv, 542 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + pdf |
Note | Deus destroyed : the image of Christianity in early modern Japan / George Elison. Attitudes of entry: the Jesuit approach to the Japanese setting -- The Christian attempt at an ethical synthesis: the misunderstandings and the appeal -- The accommodative method: the Jesuit mission policy and cultural contribution -- The donation of Bartolomeu: a Jesuit colony in Nagasaki -- Hideyoshi and the sectarians -- Pilgrim's progress: Fabian Fucan -- The final solution -- The effects of propaganda: epitaph to an encounter -- Deus destroyed / Fabian Fucan -- Deceit disclosed / Christovão Ferreira sive Sawano Chūan -- Kirishitan Monogatari: anonymous chapbook -- Christians countered / Suzuki Shōsan. Translations (p. [255]-389): Fabian, F. Deus destroyed (Ha Daiusu).--Ferreira, C. sive Sawano, C. Deceit disclosed (Kengiroku).--Kirishitan monogatari, anonymous chapbook.--Suzuki, S. Christians countered (Ha Kirishitan). Local access dig.pdf. [Elison-Deus destroyed.pdf} |
ISBN | 0674199618 ; 9780674199613 |
LCCN | 72097833 |
Author | Fukan [Fucan] Fabian 不干斉ハビアン, 1565-1621Marino, Giuseppe, 1982- |
Place | Córdoba |
Publisher | UCOPress, Editorial Universidad de Córdoba |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Spanish, Japanese |
Type | Book |
Series | Textos y Estudios (Universidad de Córdoba) ; 2 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BR1306.E4 M38 2017 |
Description | [187] : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Ha Daiusu : Destruyendo a Deus / Fabián Fukan ; edición crítica y traducción de Giuseppe Marino. “La transcriptión del texto original ha sido elaborada por el Dr. Kofuji Timoyasu 小藤朋保 del departamento de Religiious Studies de la Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology en la The University of Tokyo. El texto sigue fielmene la edición del professor Ebisawa Arimichi, en Kirishitansho/Haiyasho. Nihon Shiso Taikei vol. 25, Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten 1970” |
ISBN | 9788499273228 |
Author | Fukan [Fucan] Fabian 不干斉ハビアン, 1565-1621 |
Place | Tōkyō 東京 |
Publisher | Kiyū Dōjin 杞憂道人 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Japanese |
Type | Book (stitch-bound 線裝本) |
Shelf | Director's Office |
Call Number | BR1306.E4 F8 1869 [Dir. Collection] |
Description | 30, [1] p. ; 26 cm. |
Note | Ha Deusu 破提宇子 / [ハビアン] Postface signed: Manji-dō itsujin 卍堂逸人. Meiji 明 2 [1869]? Date from OCLC record. OCLC record National Diet Library, JAPAN. |
Author | Lü Shiqiang 呂實強 |
Place | Guilin 桂林 |
Publisher | Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe 廣西師范大學出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Director's Office |
Call Number | BR115.C8 L86 2011 |
Description | xii, [2], 208 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Jindai Zhongguo zhishifenzi fan Jidujiao wenti lunwenji 近代中國知識分子反基督教問題論文集 / Lü Shiqiang 呂實強. Includes bibliographical references. "本書是一部研究性論文集,集中探討了晚清和民初國人(以知識分子為主)反基督教的問題,作者以個案研究的方式細緻而生動地分析了近代中國分子反基督教的成因、表現及其後果與影響"--OCLC note. |
ISBN | 9787549503339 ; 7549503338 |
Author | Murakami Naojirō 村上直次郎, 1868-1966Voss, GustavCieslik, Hubert, 1914-1998Inoue Masashige 井上政重, 1585-1661 |
Place | Tokyo 東京 |
Publisher | Sophia University 上智大学 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | German, Japanese |
Type | Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Monumenta Nipponica monographs |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | BV3442.K5 1940d |
Description | pdf. [2, viii, 229 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm] |
Note | Kirishito-ki und Sayō-yoroku : japanische Dokumente zur Missionsgeschichte des 17. Jahrhunderts / Ins deutsche Übertragen von Gustav Voss, S.J., und Hubert Cieslik, S.J., mit einem Vorwort von Professor Dr. Naojiro Murakami. "Tabelle der oft zitierten Literatur": pages v-vi. Local access. dig.pdf. [Voss-Cieslik-Kirishito-Ki und Sayo-Yoroku.pdf] |
LCCN | 42002583 |
Author | Chen Guying 陳鼓應 |
Place | Beijing 北京 |
Publisher | Shenghuo Dushu Xinzhi Sanlian shudian 生活讀書新知三聯書店 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | TBD |
Call Number | BT304.95.C47 1987 |
Description | 7, 1, 119 p. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Yesu xin huaxiang 耶穌新畫像 / Chen Guying 陳鼓應. Includes bibliographical references. Colophon title also in Pinyin: Yesu xin huaxiang. At head of title: Shengjing de pipan 聖經的批判. Title: Yesu xin huaxiang. |
ISBN | 7108000172 |
LCCN | 74-839705 |