Author | Bokenkotter, Thomas S., 1924-2021 |
Place | New York |
Publisher | Image Books |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library [ASCC] |
Edition | Rev. and expanded ed. |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks [ASCC] |
Call Number | BX945.2.B64 1990 |
Description | x, 498 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | A concise history of the Catholic Church / Thomas Bokenkotter. Includes bibliographical references (pages 431-475) and index. Jesus -- The church spreads across the empire -- A church with authority -- Constantine favors the christians and inaugurates a new era of church history -- Worship, faith, and life in the early church -- The final victory over paganism -- Jerome -- Augustine -- Pope Leo wins a great victory for papal primacy at Chalcedon -- The popes and Franks join forces to create a new unity: christendom -- Hildebrand's revolution makes the popes supreme in christendom -- The papal monarchy at its zenith -- The eastern schism -- Church and society in western christendom -- The aristotelian invasion -- The decline of the papal monarchy -- The papacy survives the great schism and puts down conciliarism -- The church falls to reform itself in time -- Luther splits christendom -- Calvin makes protestantism an international movement -- The Catholic Church recovers its spiritual elan -- The challenge of the new thought -- The church torn by internal strife: Jansenism and Gallicanism -- The French Revolution shatters the Church of the Old Order -- Pius IX says "no" to the liberal catholics -- The syllabus of errors squelches the liberal catholics -- Pio Nono carries ultramontanism to a grand triumph at Vatican I -- Social catholicism and christian democracy -- The modernist debacle -- The church moves out to the whole world -- The american church -- The popes of the twentieth century -- The resurgent liberal catholics ring down the curtain on the post-trent church at the second vatican council -- The sound and fury of renewal -- The bark of peter in stormy seas (1976-1989).
ISBN | 0385411472 ; 9780385411479 |
LCCN | 90034546 |
Author | Lou Tseng-Tsiang, Pierre-Célestin (Lu Zhengxiang 陸徵祥), 1871-1949 |
Place | [Shanghai 上海] |
Publisher | [Xujiahui Shengjiao zazhishe 徐家匯聖教雜誌社] |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book (stitch-bound 線裝本) |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | BV3415.2 L68 1935 |
Description | 22 leaves ; 20 cm. |
Note | Benduhui shilüe 本篤會史略 / Lou Tseng-Tsiang, Pierre-Célestin (Lu Zhengxiang 陸徵祥) |
Author | Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927- |
Place | Taibei 臺北 |
Publisher | Guangqi chubanshe 光啟出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | BX1751.2.R3412 1998 |
Description | 239 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Di shang de yan 地上的鹽 / Laxin'ge shuji zhu 拉辛格樞機著 ; Fang Zhirong yi 房志榮譯 ; Lu Dacheng jiao 陸達誠校. Subtitle: 基督紀元第三個千年前夕與記者彼得, 海林談基督信仰及天主公教. On t.p. verso: Le sel de la terre : le christianisme et l'Eglise catholique au seuil du IIIe millenaire, entretiens avec Peter Seewald. Traduit par Mark Fang, S.J. Translation from the French of: Salt of the earth : Christianity and the Catholic Church at the end of the millenium. |
ISBN | 957-546-354-4 |
Author | Li Zhengfu 黎正甫 |
Place | Xianggang 香港 |
Publisher | Xianggang gongjiao zhenli xuehui 香港公教真理學會 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | BR115.C8 L62 1983 |
Description | 230 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Guankuiji 管窺集 / Li Zhengfu zhuan 黎正甫撰. "Shu zhong gepian zengfenbie fabiao yu Xin Bei chenyuekan 書中各篇曾分別發表於新北辰月刊...[etc.]"--p. 2. |
Author | |
Place | Hanam-si 하남시 |
Publisher | Suwŏn Kyohoesa Yŏn'guso 수원 교회사 연구소 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Korean, English |
Type | Periodical |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | BX1670.5.K6 K96 |
Description | 353 p. : illus. ; 23 cm. |
Note | Kyohoe sahak 教會史學 = Research journal of Catholic church history Library has vol. 12 (2015). |
LCCN | 2010211864 |
Author | Zou Baolu 鄒保祿 |
Place | Tainan Shi 台南市 |
Publisher | Wendao chubanshe 聞道出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | BX955.2.J517 Z782 1983 |
Description | 4, 422 p. : col. ill., port. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Lidai jiaozong jianshi 歷代教宗簡史 / Zou Baolu zhu 鄒保祿著. 民國72 [1983]. |
Author | Motte, JosephGuangqi chubanshe 光啟出版社 |
Place | Xianggang 香港 |
Publisher | Shengming yiyi chubanshe 生命意義出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | BX945.3.M6712 1980 |
Description | 2 v. : ill. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Tianzhujiao shi 天主教史 / Mu Qimeng bianzhu 穆啟蒙編著 ; Guangqi chubanshe yi 光啟出版社譯 = History of the Catholic chursh / by Joseph Motte ; translated by Kuangchi Press. Translation of: History of the Catholic Church. (no original English ed. found) Includes bibliographical references. Covers Church history from Biblical times to the 18th century. Volumes undated. |
Author | Cho Kwang 趙珖 [Jo Gwang 조광], 1945- |
Place | Seoul 서울 |
Publisher | Han'guk Sun'gyoja Hyŏnyang Wiwŏnhoe 한국 순교자 현양 위원회 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Korean, Chinese |
Type | Book |
Series | Han'guk sun'gyoja yŏn'gu 한국 순교자 연구 ; 5 |
Shelf | Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | BX1670.5.Y65 2001 |
Description | 2 v. : facsimiles ; 23 cm. |
Note | Yŏkchu sahak chingŭi 역주 사학징의. [Sahak chingŭi 邪學懲義. Korean] / Cho Kwang 趙珖 [Jo Gwang 조광] |