Subject: Catholic Church--History

A concise history of the Catholic church
AuthorBokenkotter, Thomas S., 1924-2021
PlaceNew York
PublisherImage Books
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
EditionRev. and expanded ed.
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBX945.2.B64 1990
Descriptionx, 498 p. ; 21 cm.

A concise history of the Catholic Church / Thomas Bokenkotter.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 431-475) and index.

Jesus -- The church spreads across the empire -- A church with authority -- Constantine favors the christians and inaugurates a new era of church history -- Worship, faith, and life in the early church -- The final victory over paganism -- Jerome -- Augustine -- Pope Leo wins a great victory for papal primacy at Chalcedon -- The popes and Franks join forces to create a new unity: christendom -- Hildebrand's revolution makes the popes supreme in christendom -- The papal monarchy at its zenith -- The eastern schism -- Church and society in western christendom -- The aristotelian invasion -- The decline of the papal monarchy -- The papacy survives the great schism and puts down conciliarism -- The church falls to reform itself in time -- Luther splits christendom -- Calvin makes protestantism an international movement -- The Catholic Church recovers its spiritual elan -- The challenge of the new thought -- The church torn by internal strife: Jansenism and Gallicanism -- The French Revolution shatters the Church of the Old Order -- Pius IX says "no" to the liberal catholics -- The syllabus of errors squelches the liberal catholics -- Pio Nono carries ultramontanism to a grand triumph at Vatican I -- Social catholicism and christian democracy -- The modernist debacle -- The church moves out to the whole world -- The american church -- The popes of the twentieth century -- The resurgent liberal catholics ring down the curtain on the post-trent church at the second vatican council -- The sound and fury of renewal -- The bark of peter in stormy seas (1976-1989).


ISBN0385411472 ; 9780385411479
Benduhui shilüe 本篤會史略
AuthorLou Tseng-Tsiang, Pierre-Célestin (Lu Zhengxiang 陸徵祥), 1871-1949
Place[Shanghai 上海]
Publisher[Xujiahui Shengjiao zazhishe 徐家匯聖教雜誌社]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Call NumberBV3415.2 L68 1935
Description22 leaves ; 20 cm.

Benduhui shilüe 本篤會史略 / Lou Tseng-Tsiang, Pierre-Célestin (Lu Zhengxiang 陸徵祥)

Di shang de yan 地上的鹽
AuthorBenedict XVI, Pope, 1927-
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherGuangqi chubanshe 光啟出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBX1751.2.R3412 1998
Description239 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteDi shang de yan 地上的鹽 / Laxin'ge shuji zhu 拉辛格樞機著 ; Fang Zhirong yi 房志榮譯 ; Lu Dacheng jiao 陸達誠校.
Subtitle: 基督紀元第三個千年前夕與記者彼得, 海林談基督信仰及天主公教.
On t.p. verso: Le sel de la terre : le christianisme et l'Eglise catholique au seuil du IIIe millenaire, entretiens avec Peter Seewald. Traduit par Mark Fang, S.J.
Translation from the French of: Salt of the earth : Christianity and the Catholic Church at the end of the millenium.
Guankuiji 管窺集
AuthorLi Zhengfu 黎正甫
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherXianggang gongjiao zhenli xuehui 香港公教真理學會
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberBR115.C8 L62 1983
Description230 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteGuankuiji 管窺集 / Li Zhengfu zhuan 黎正甫撰.
"Shu zhong gepian zengfenbie fabiao yu Xin Bei chenyuekan 書中各篇曾分別發表於新北辰月刊...[etc.]"--p. 2.
Kyohoe sahak 教會史學 = Research journal of Catholic church history
PlaceHanam-si 하남시
PublisherSuwŏn Kyohoesa Yŏn'guso 수원 교회사 연구소
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageKorean, English
Call NumberBX1670.5.K6 K96
Description353 p. : illus. ; 23 cm.

Kyohoe sahak 教會史學 = Research journal of Catholic church history

Library has vol. 12 (2015).

Lidai jiaozong jianshi 歷代教宗簡史
AuthorZou Baolu 鄒保祿
PlaceTainan Shi 台南市
PublisherWendao chubanshe 聞道出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberBX955.2.J517 Z782 1983
Description4, 422 p. : col. ill., port. ; 21 cm.
NoteLidai jiaozong jianshi 歷代教宗簡史 / Zou Baolu zhu 鄒保祿著.
民國72 [1983].
Tianzhujiao shi 天主教史. [History of the Catholic Church. Chinese]
AuthorMotte, JosephGuangqi chubanshe 光啟出版社
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherShengming yiyi chubanshe 生命意義出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBX945.3.M6712 1980
Description2 v. : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteTianzhujiao shi 天主教史 / Mu Qimeng bianzhu 穆啟蒙編著 ; Guangqi chubanshe yi 光啟出版社譯 = History of the Catholic chursh / by Joseph Motte ; translated by Kuangchi Press.
Translation of: History of the Catholic Church. (no original English ed. found)
Includes bibliographical references.
Covers Church history from Biblical times to the 18th century. Volumes undated.
Yŏkchu sahak chingŭi 역주 사학징의. [Sahak chingŭi 邪學懲義. Korean]
AuthorCho Kwang 趙珖 [Jo Gwang 조광], 1945-
PlaceSeoul 서울
PublisherHan'guk Sun'gyoja Hyŏnyang Wiwŏnhoe 한국 순교자 현양 위원회
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageKorean, Chinese
SeriesHan'guk sun'gyoja yŏn'gu 한국 순교자 연구 ; 5
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBX1670.5.Y65 2001
Description2 v. : facsimiles ; 23 cm.

Yŏkchu sahak chingŭi 역주 사학징의. [Sahak chingŭi 邪學懲義. Korean] / Cho Kwang 趙珖 [Jo Gwang 조광]