Subject: Buddhism--Dictionaries--Chinese

Bod Rgya nan don rig pa'i tshig mdzod = Zang-Han Foxue cidian 藏漢佛學詞典
AuthorZang-Han da cidian bianxiezu 藏漢大詞典編寫組
PlaceChengdu 成都
PublisherSi-khron mi rigs dpe skrun khan 四川民族出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBQ130.B63 1993
Description2 v. ; 19 cm.
NoteBod Rgya nan don rig pa'i tshig mdzod = Zang-Han Foxue cidian 藏漢佛學詞典 / Zang-Han da cidian bianxiezu 藏漢大詞典編寫組.
Tibetan and Chinese.
Summary: Tibetan-Chinese dictionary of Buddhist terminology.
dictionary of Chinese Buddhist terms : with Sanskrit and English equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali index
AuthorSoothill, William Edward, 1861-1935Hodous, Lewis, b. 1872
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherZhongguo Fojiao yuekanshe 中國佛教月刊社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageEnglish, Chinese, Sanskrit
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.S7 1961
Descriptionxix, 510 p. ; 27 cm.
NoteA dictionary of Chinese Buddhist terms : with Sanskrit and English equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali index / compiled by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous.
Cover and spine title in Chinese: Han-Ying Foxue da cidian 漢英佛學大辭典.
Reprint. Originally published: London : Kegan Paul, 1937.
Includes index of non-Sanskrit terms (Tibetan, etc.) : p. 509-510.
dictionary of Chinese Buddhist terms : with Sanskrit and English equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali index
AuthorSoothill, William Edward, 1861-1935Hodous, Lewis, b. 1872
PublisherK. Paul, Trench, Trübner
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese, Sanskrit
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.S65 1937
Descriptionxix, 510 p. ; 29 cm.
NoteA dictionary of Chinese Buddhist terms : with Sanskrit and English equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali index / compiled by William Edward Soothill ... and Lewis Hodous ...
Index of non-Sanskrit terms (Tibetan, etc.) : p. 509-510.
Fanyi mingyi ji yijian 翻譯名義集易檢
AuthorFayun Shi 法雲釋, 1088-1158
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherFoxue shuju 佛學書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberBQ133.F269 F298 1935
Description12, 72, 300, [10] p. ; 19 cm.
NoteFanyi mingyi ji yijian 翻譯名義集易檢 / Purun dashi Fayun bian 普潤大師法雲編.
Title: Fanyi mingyi ji 翻譯名義集.
民國24 [1935].
Fanyi mingyi ji 翻譯名義集
AuthorFayun Shi 法雲釋, 1088-1158
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherJiankang shuju 建康書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesFoxue jiben congshu 佛學基本叢書
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBQ133.F269 F298 1956
Description[8], 2, 12, 72, 300 p. : ill., tables ; 19 cm.
NoteFanyi mingyi ji 翻譯名義集.
民國45 [1956].
Foguang da cidian 佛光大辭典
AuthorXingyun 星雲, 1927-Ciyi 慈怡, Shi
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing tushuguan chubanshe 北京圖書館出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [AOF]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.F64 1989
Description8 v. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteFoguang da cidian 佛光大辭典 / [jianxiu Xingyun Dashi 監修星雲大師 ; zhubian Ciyi 主编慈怡].

Foguang dacidian 佛光大辭典….The 22,608 main entries, over 100,000 subentries, and 2,700 illustrations contain a huge amount of information not found in any one place elsewhere. The team of scholarly nuns and lay women believers who compiled this useful reference work culled the main general Buddhist dictionaries in Japanese and Chinese. They also went through specialized dictionaries and much of the secondary literature. Occasionally definitions seem to be slightly off target, but in general this is a goldmine. Vol. 8 contains a 700-page stroke-count index to which there is a convenient Wade-Giles index. There are also separate indexes for foreign names and terms. Digital edition: online here. Foguangshan 佛光山 is a Buddhist order that was founded in Gaoxiong 高雄, southern Taiwan in 1967. There are today 200 branch temples world wide.” – Wilkinson, Endymion, Chinese history, a new manual, p. 394.

ISBN7501309760 ; 9787501309764
Fojia mingxiang tongshi 佛家名相通釋
AuthorXiong Shili 熊十力, 1885-1968
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherGuangwen shuju 廣文書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberBQ130.F755 X576 1961
Description4 p., 1, 9, 88, 1, 123 ℓ ; ill., tables ; 19 cm.
NoteFojia mingxiang tongshi 佛家名相通釋 / Xiong Shili zhu 熊十力著.
Reproduction of original ed. (Peking, 1937).
民國50 [1961].
Fojiao da cidian 佛敎大辭典
AuthorRen Jiyu 任繼愈, 1916-2009
PlaceNanjing Shi 南京市
PublisherJiangsu guji chubanshe 江蘇古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.F616 2002
Description95, 11, 12, 1478 p., [72] p. of color plates ; 27 cm
NoteFojiao da cidian 佛敎大辭典 / zhubian Ren Jiyu 主編任継愈.
Jacket title also in English: Dictionary of Buddhism.
Includes indexes.
ISBN7806434461 ; 9787806434468
Foxue da cidian 佛學大辭典
AuthorDing Fubao 丁福保, 1874-1952
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherXinwenfeng chuban gongsi 新文豐出版公司
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.T56 1974
Description4 v. : ill. ; 22 cm.
NoteFoxue da cidian 佛學大辭典 / Ding Fubao bianzuan 丁福保編纂.
Contents: v. 1-3. Foxue da cidian juan shang-zhong-xia 佛學大辭典卷上中下 -- v. [4] Juanshou 卷首. Chouyinjushi ziding nianpu 疇隱居士自訂年譜. Foxue da cidian tongjian 佛學大辭典通檢. 民國63 [1974].
Foxue da cidian 佛學大辭典. Shiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherQiming shuju 啓明書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.F643 1960
Description5, 63, 484 p. ; 27 cm.
NoteFoxue da cidian 佛學大辭典.
Includes index. "Daolin zhiyin 道林紙印"--colophon.
Caption title: Shiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典. 民國49 [1960].
Shiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典. [Foxue cidian 佛學辭典]
AuthorFoxue shuju bianjibu 佛學書局編輯部 (Shanghai 上海)
PlaceHangzhou 杭州
PublisherZhejiang guji chubanshe 浙江古籍出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition影印本, 新1版
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.S55 1986
Description1 v. (various pagings) ; 27 cm.
NoteShiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典.
Originally published: Shanghai 上海 : Foxue shuju 佛學書局, 民國 23 [1934].
Each page represents four pages of the original.
Shiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典
AuthorFoxue shuju 佛學書局
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherFoxue shuju 佛學書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberBQ130.S459 F798 1934
Description2, 2, 2, 16, 252p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteShiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典 / Foxue shuju bian 佛學書局編.
Running title: Foxue cidian 佛學辭典.
Title: Foxue cidian 佛學辭典.
Minguo 民國 23?
Shiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典. [Foxue cidian 佛學辭典]
AuthorFoxue shuju bianjibu 佛學書局編輯部 (Shanghai 上海)
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherXinwenfeng chuban gongsi 新文豐出版公司
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ130.S55 1974
Description2, 16, 252, 1936 p. ; 22 cm.
NoteShiyong Foxue cidian 實用佛學辭典 / [Foxue shuju bianzuan 佛學書局編纂].
Reprint. Originally published: Shanghai 上海 : Foxue shuju 佛學書局, 民國 23 [1934].
Title: Foxue cidian 佛學辭典. 民國63 [1974].