Subject: Temple of the Eighteen Hells [Shiba-Diyumiao 十八地獄廟], (Beijing)

Chinese hells : the Peking Temple of Eighteen Hells and Chinese conceptions of hell
AuthorGoodrich, Anne Swann
PlaceSt. Augustin
PublisherMonumenta Serica
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBL1812.H44 G66 1981
Descriptioniii, 167 p., xxxii p. of plates : ill. ; 22 cm.
NoteChinese hells : the Peking Temple of Eighteen Hells and Chinese conceptions of hell / by Anne Swann Goodrich.
Parallel title in Chinese: Zhongguo diyu : Beijing shiba diyumiao yu Zhongguo de diyu guannian 中國地獄 : 北京十八地獄廟與中國的地獄觀念.
Bibliography: p. [144]-153. Includes index.