Subject: China--Intellectual life

An Intellectual History of China. Volume 1. Knowledge, thought, and belief before the seventh century CE -- Volume 2. Knowledge, thought, and belief from the seventh through the nineteenth century. [Zhongguo sixiang shi 中國思想史. English]
AuthorGe Zhaoguang 葛兆光, 1950-Duke, Michael S.Chiu-Duke, Josephine (Qiu Huifen 丘慧芬), 1951-
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesBrill's humanities in China library ; volume 6
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberB126.G43613 2014
Descriptionpdf. [2 volumes]

An Intellectual History of China / by Ge Zhaoguang ; translated by Michael S. Duke and Josephine Chiu-Duke.

Volume 1. Knowledge, thought, and belief before the seventh century CE -- Volume 2. Knowledge, thought, and belief from the seventh through the nineteenth century.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This book is a result of the translation license agreement among Ge Zhaoguang of Fudan University, Fudan University Press and Koninklijke Brill NV. This book is translated into English from an abbreviated version of the original《中国思想史》(葛兆光著) (Zhongguo sixiang shi, by Ge Zhaoguang) with financial support from the Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences (中华社会科学基金), China Book International from the Information Office of the State Council of China, and Fudan University Press.

Local access dig.pdf. [Intellectual History of China.pdf (v.1 & v.2)

ISBN9789047425076 ; 9047425073
Chinese thought and institutions
AuthorFairbank, John King, 1907-1991
Place[Taipei 臺北?]
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesComparative studies of cultures and civilizations
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberDS721.F26 1957a
Descriptionxiii, 438 p. :map, diagrams ; 21 cm.
NoteChinese thought and institutions / edited by John K. Fairbank; with contributions by T'ung-tsu Ch'ü [and others].
Reprint. No date, colophon or publisher.
Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 345-410).
Includes index.

Introduction: problems of method and of content / John K. Fairbank -- The intellectual history of China: preliminary reflections / Benjamin Schwartz -- The political function of astronomy and astronomers in Han China / Wolfram Eberhard -- The formation of Sui ideology, 581-604 / Arthur F. Wright -- An early Sung reformer: Fan Chung-yen / James T.C. Liu -- The Tung-lin movement of the late Ming period / Charles O. Hucker -- Chinese despotism and the Confucian ideal: a seventeenth-century view / W.T. de Bary -- Synarchy under the treaties / John K. Fairbank -- Chinese class structure and its ideology / Tʻung-tsu Chʻü -- Region, family, and individual in the Chinese examination system / E.A. Kracke, Jr. -- The functional relationship between Confucian thought and Chinese religion / C.K. Yang -- The concept of "pao" as a basis for social relations in China / Lien-sheng Yang -- The scholar's frustration: notes on a type of "fu" / Hellmut Wilhelm -- The amateur ideal in Ming and early Chʻing society: evidence from painting / Joseph R. Levenson.

Confucian China and its modern fate : a trilogy
AuthorLevenson, Joseph Richmond, 1920-1969
PublisherUniversity of California Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition[1st combined ed.]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS721.L538 1968
Descriptionxxxiii, 218, xiii, 175, ix, 186 p. 21 cm.

Confucian China and its modern fate : a trilogy. / Joseph Richmond Levenson, 1920-1969.
Includes bibliographies.
The problem of intellectual continuity.--The problem of monarchical decay.--The problem of historical significance.

Second copy in ASCC stacks (DS721.L538 1968 c.2).

Education in traditional China : a history
AuthorLee, Thomas H. C. 李弘祺
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesHandbook of Oriental studies. Section four, China ; 13, Handbuch der Orientalistik. Vierte Abteilung, China ; 13. Bd.
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberLA1131.L29 2000
Descriptionxiv, 762 p. ; 25 cm. + pdf
NoteEducation in traditional China : a history / by Thomas H.C. Lee.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [699]-738) and index.
"This is the first comprehensive study in English on the social, institutional and intellectual aspects of traditional Chinese education. The book introduces the Confucian ideal of 'studying for one's own sake', but argues that various intellectual traditions combined to create China's educational legacy. The book studies the development of schools and the examination system, the interaction between state, society and education, and the vicissitudes of the private academies. It examines family education, life of intellectuals, and the conventions of intellectual discourse. It also discusses the formation of the tradition of classical learning, and presents the first detailed account of student movements in traditional China, with an extensive bibliography. While a general survey, this book includes various new ideas and inquiries. It concludes with a critical evaluation of China's rich educational experiences."--Publisher note.

Dig.pdf. local access [Lee-Education in traditional China.pdf]

Guoxue gailun 國學概論
AuthorQian Mu 錢穆, 1895-1990
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library [F2]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberAZ791.C425 1963
Description2 v. in 1. : ill. ; 19 cm.
Note國學槪論 / 錢穆著.
民國52 [1963]
Hanxue fanbuji 漢學反哺集
AuthorFei Haiji 費海璣
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesRenren wenku 人人文庫 ; 0080-0081
Call NumberAC149.R363 0080-0081
Description2, 3, 2, 326 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteHanxue fanbuji 漢學反哺集 / Fei Haiji bianzhu 費海璣編著.
民國55 [1966].
Reconstruction in China
AuthorSze, Sao-Ke Alfred [Shi Zhaoji 施肈基], 1877-1958
PlaceNew York
PublisherChinese Cultural Society
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberDS775.R327 S937 1935
Description15 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteReconstruction in China / by Sao-ke Alfred Sze.
"Address of His Excellency, the Chinese minister, Sao-ke Alfred Sze at the meeting of the American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia, Tuesday, November 27th, 1934."
Shina bunka to Shinagaku no kigen : Shina shisō no Furansu seizen 支那文化と支那學の起源 : 支那思想のフランス西漸
AuthorGotō Sueo 後藤末雄, 1886-1967
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherDaiichi Shobō 第一書房
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Call NumberDS721.S456 G787 1941
Description668 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteShina bunka to Shinagaku no kigen 支那文化と支那學の起源 : Shina shisō no Furansu seizen 支那思想のフランス西漸 / Gotō Sueo cho 後藤末雄著.
Revision of thesis (doctoral--Tōkyō Daigaku, 1931)
Bibliography: p. 639-647.
Shōwa 昭和16 [1941].
Studies in Chinese thought
AuthorWright, Arthur F., 1913-1976
Place[Taipei 臺北?]
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesComparative studies in cultures and civilizations
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberB126.W7 1953a
Descriptionxiv, 317 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteStudies in Chinese thought / edited by Arthur F. Wright ; with contributions by Derk Bodde ... [et al.].
Reprint. No date, colophon or publisher.
Based on papers presented at a conference held by a subcommittee on Chinese thought attached to the Committee on Far Eastern Studies jointly sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies and the Far Eastern Association.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Harmony and conflict in Chinese philosophy / Derk Bodde -- A reappraisal of neo-Confucianism / W. Theodore de Bary -- The problem of "knowledge" and "action" in Chinese thought since Wang Yang-Ming / David S. Nivison -- "History" and "value": the tensions of intellectual choice in modern China / J.R. Levenson -- Types of symbols in Chinese art / Schuyler Cammann -- Some problems of interpretation / Arnold Isenberg -- Toward a theory of translating / I.A. Richards -- Some reflections on the difficulty of translation / Achilles Fang -- The Chinese language and foreign ideas / Arthur F. Wright.

Wang Guantang xiansheng quanji 王觀堂先生全集
AuthorWang Guowei 王國維, 1877-1927
PlaceTaipei 臺北
PublisherWenhua chuban gongsi 文華出版公司
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL2822.K8 1968
Description16 v. (10, 12, 6, 8, 7386, 6 p.) : ports. ; 22 cm
NoteWang Guantang xiansheng quanji 王觀堂先生全集 : [50種, 135卷] / Wang Guowei zhu 王國維著.

[v. 1-3] 觀堂集林 24卷 -- [v. 4] 觀堂别集 4卷 ; 庚辛之間讀書記 ; 苕華詞 -- [v. 5] 静安文集 ; 詩稿 ; 文集續編 -- [v. 6] 殷禮徴文 ; 兩周金石文韻讀 ; 觀堂古今文考釋 5卷 ; 古史新證 ; 爾雅草本蟲魚鳥獸釋例 ; 校松江本急就篇 ; 釋幣 2卷 ; 簡牘檢署考 -- [v. 7] ǂt 史籀篇疏證 ; 重輯蒼頡篇 2卷 -- [v. 8] 唐寫本唐韻殘卷校勘記 2卷 ; 佚文 -- [v. 9] 魏正始石經殘石考 ; 漢魏博士題名考 2卷 ; 聯綿字譜 3卷補高郵王氏說文諧聲譜 ; 淸真先生遺事 ; 耶律文正公年譜 -- [v. 10] 宋代金文著錄表 ; 國朝金文著錄表 6卷 -- [v. 11] 五代兩宋監本考 3卷 ; 兩浙古刋本考 2卷 ; 乾隆浙江通志考異殘稿 4卷 -- [v. 12] 蒙韃備錄箋證 ; 黑韃事略箋證 ; 聖武親征錄校注 ; 長春真人西遊記校注 2卷 ; 新編錄鬼簿校注 2卷 -- [v. 13] 古本竹書紀年輯校 ; 今本竹書紀年疏證 2卷 ; 古行記四種校注 ; 觀堂譯稿 3卷 ; 人間詞話 2卷 -- [v. 14] ǂt 宋元戲曲考曲錄 6卷 -- [v. 15] 唐宋大曲考 ; 戲曲考源 ; 古戲脚色考 ; 優語錄 ; 錄曲餘談.—[V. 16] 目錄

Zhongguo kexue jishushi 中國科學技術史. [Science and civilisation in China. Chinese]
AuthorNeedham, Joseph, 1900-1995
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberDS721.N3912 1975
Descriptionv. : ill., maps ; 21 cm.
NoteZhongguo kexue jishushi 中國科學技術史 / [英] Li Yuese zhu 李約瑟著 ; Zhongguo kexue jishushi fanyi xiaozu yi 中國科學技術史翻譯小組譯.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Translation of: Science and civilisation in China.
Zhongguo wenhua zhi jingshen jiazhi 中國文化之精神價值
AuthorTang Junyi 唐君毅, 1909-1978
PlaceTaiwan Taibei Shi 臺灣臺北市
PublisherZhengzhong shuju 正中書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS721.T28 1982
Description9, 12, 559 p. ; 22 cm.
NoteZhongguo wenhua zhi jingshen jiazhi 中國文化之精神價值 / Tang Junyi zhu 唐君毅著.
民國71 [1982].