Author | Peng Xisu 彭希涑, 1761-1793 |
Place | Changsha 長沙 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 2689 |
Shelf | Admin. Office Gallery |
Call Number | AC149.T76 1936 v. 2689 |
Description | 2, 2, 1, 6, 78, 1 p. ; 17.5 cm. |
Note | Ershi'ershi gan yinglu 二十二史感應錄 : [上下卷] / Peng Xisu ji 彭希涑輯. ”Ju Haishanxianguanben paiyin 據海山仙館本排印.” 民國28 [1939]. |
Author | Mou Zongsan 牟宗三 |
Place | Jiulong 九龍 |
Publisher | Rensheng chubanshe 人生出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | DS734.7.L574 M789 1962 |
Description | 379, 36, [12] p. ; 22 cm. |
Note | Lishi zhexue 歷史哲學 / Mou Zongsan zhu 牟宗三著. Minguo 民國 51 |
LCCN | c62-2211 |
Author | Tang Junyi 唐君毅, 1909-1978Mou Zongsan 牟宗三 |
Place | Taibei Shi 台北市 |
Publisher | Letian chubanshe 樂天出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Letian renwen congshu 樂天人文叢書 ; 之 45 |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | DS734.7.L574 M789 1973 |
Description | 3, 6, 1, 379, 36 p. ; 22 cm. |
Note | Lishi zhexue 歷史哲學 / Mou Zongsan zhu 牟宗三著. Fulu 附錄: Zhongguo lishi zhi zhexue de shengcha 中國歷史之哲學的省察 / Tang Junyi zhu 唐君毅著. Title: Zhongguo lishi zhi zhexue de shengcha 中國歷史之哲學的省察. Minguo 民國 62 |
Author | Jullien, François, 1951-Lloyd, Janet |
Place | New York |
Publisher | Zone Books |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | DS736.5.J85 1995 |
Description | 317 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. |
Note | The propensity of things : toward a history of efficacy in China / François Jullien ; translated by Janet Lloyd. Translation of: La propension des choses : pour une histoire de l'efficacité en Chine. Includes bibliographical references (p. 267-306). |
ISBN | 0942299949 |
LCCN | 94-30660 |
Author | Huang Mingtong 黄明同Lü Xichen 呂錫琛 |
Place | Changsha 長沙 |
Publisher | Hunan renmin chubanshe 湖南人民出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Series | Wang Chuanshan yanjiu congshu 王船山硏究叢書 |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | B5234.W334 H8 1986 |
Description | 2, 6, 3, 275 p. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Wang Chuanshan lishiguan yu shilun yanjiu 王船山歷史觀與史論硏究 / Huang Mingtong, Lü Xichen zhu 黄明同, 呂錫琛著. Includes bibliographical references. |
LCCN | 87-112138 |
Author | Fang Peng 方鵬, b. 1470 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 3564 |
Shelf | Admin. Office Gallery |
Call Number | AC149.T76 1936 v. 3564 |
Description | 1, 11, 61, 2 p. ; 17.5 cm. |
Note | Zebei yutan 責備餘談 : [上下卷] : Fulu 附錄 / Fang Peng zhu 方鵬著. Title: Zebei yutan fulu 責備餘談附錄. ”Ju Zhibuzuzhai congshu ben paiyin 據知不足齋叢書本排印.” Minguo 民國 26 |