Author | González de Mendoza, Juan, 1545-1618Loyola, Martin Ignacio de, d. 1606Avanzi, Francesco, fl. 1587 |
Place | Venetia |
Publisher | appresso Andrea Muschio |
Collection | Rouleau Archives |
Language | Italian |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Rare Book Cabinet |
Call Number | DS708.G645 1590 |
Description | [70], 462 p. ; 17 cm. (8vo) |
Note | Dell'historia della China / descritta nella lingua spagnuola, dal p. maestro Giouanni Gonzalez di Mendozza, dell'ord. di S. Agostino ; et tradotta nell'italiana, dal magn. m. Francesco Auanzo ... ; Parti due, diuise in tre libri, & in tre viaggi, fatti in quei paesi da i padri agostiniani, & franciscani. ; doue si descriue il sito, & lo stato di quel gran regno, & si tratta della religione, de i costumi, & della disposition de'suoi popoli, & d'altri luochi più conosciuti del Mondo Nuouo. ; con due tauole, l'vna de'capitoli, & l'altra delle cose notabili.
Translation of: Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres, del gran reyno de la China. Rome : Bartholome Grassi, 1st published in Italian: Rome, 1586. |
Author | González de Mendoza, Juan, 1545-1618García, Félix, padre |
Place | Madrid |
Publisher | M. Aguilar |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Language | Spanish |
Type | Book |
Series | España misionera ; 2 |
Shelf | Stacks, Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | DS708.G643 1944 |
Description | lii, 396 p. ; 20 cm. |
Note | Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres del gran reino de la China / Fr. Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza ; ed., prologo y notas por Felix Garcia. |
Author | Ellis, Robert Richmond |
Place | Toronto |
Publisher | University of Toronto Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | PQ6066.E475 2012 |
Description | x, 241 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. |
Note | They need nothing : Hispanic-Asian encounters of the colonial period / Robert Richmond Ellis. Includes bibliographical references (p. [210]-226) and index. Japanese and Spaniards in the Christian century -- The Middle Kingdom through Spanish eyes -- The quest for Cambodia -- Constructing the Philippines and contesting the legacy. "The first comprehensive study of Spanish writings on East and Southeast Asia from the Spanish colonial period, "They Need Nothing" draws attention to many essential but understudied Spanish-language texts from this era. Robert Richmond Ellis provides an engaging, interdisciplinary examination of how these writings depict Asia and Asians as both similar to and different from Europe and Europeans, and details how East and Southeast Asians reacted to the Spanish presence in Asia. "They Need Nothing" highlights texts related to Japan, China, Cambodia, and the Philippines, beginning with Francis Xavier's observations of Japan in the mid-sixteenth century and ending with José Rizal's responses to the legacy of Spanish colonialism in the late nineteenth century. Ellis provides a groundbreaking expansion of the geographical and cultural contours of Hispanism that bridges the fields of European, Latin American, and Asian Studies."--pub. desc. Available online on Ignacio. |
ISBN | 9781442645110 ; 1442645113 |
LCCN | 2012462079 |