Subject: China--Antiquities--Pictorial works

China : a history in objects
AuthorHarrison-Hall, JessicaBritish Museum
PlaceNew York
PublisherThames & Hudson
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDirector's Office, Digital Archives
Call NumberDS706.H373 2018
Description351 p. : ill. (chiefly color) ; 25 cm + pdf

China : a history in objects / Jessica Harrison-Hall.

"The British Museum."

Includes bibliographical references (pages 342-345) and index.
Text copyright 2017. "First published in 2018 in harcover in the United States of America"--colophon.

Introduction -- Early China : 5000-221 BC -- Empires : 221 BC-AD 960 -- Emperors, scholars and merchants : 960-1279 -- Mongols and Ming : 1271-1644 -- Qing: the last dynasty : 1644-1911 -- Modern China : 1911-present.

This illustrated introduction to the history of China offers a fresh understanding of China's progress from the Neolithic age to the present. Told in six chapters arranged chronologically, through art, artifacts, people, and places, and richly illustrated with expertly selected objects and artworks, it firmly connects today's China with its internationally engaged past. From the earliest archaeological relics and rituals, through the development of writing and state, to the advent of empire, the author charts China's transformation from ancient civilization into the world's most populous nation and influential economy, offering historical insights and cultural treasures along the way. This accessible book presents an eclectic mix of materials including Chinese theater, the decorative arts, costume, jewelry, and furniture-making, running through to the most recent diffusion of Chinese culture.

Local access dig.pdf. [Harrison-Hall-China : a history in objects.pdf]

ISBN9780500519707 ; 0500519706
Daoyintu 導引圖. Daoyintu lunwenji 導引圖論文集
AuthorMawangdui Hanmu boshu zhengli xiaozu 馬王堆漢墓帛書整理小組
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherWenwu chubanshe 文物出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypePortfolio (Visual materials)
SeriesMawangdui Hanmu boshu 馬王堆漢墓帛書
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberRM725.M28 1979
Description1 folder, [2] l. of plates ; 61 x 108 cm. [fold. 16 x 27 cm.]
NoteDaoyintu 導引圖 / Mawangdui Hanmu boshu zhengli xiaozu bian 馬王堆漢墓帛書整理小組編.
Envelope (1 portfolio) with 2 leaves of plates ; 61 x 108 cm., folded to 16 x 27 cm. : all color ill. ; 29 cm. Includes: Daoyintu lunwenji 導引圖論文集 (26 p., [1] folded leaf of plates).
Title from portfolio.
Emperor Qin Shihuang's eternal terra-cotta warriors and horses
AuthorLi Bingwu 李炳武
PlaceXi'an 西安
PublisherShaanxi Sanqin Publishing House
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS747.9.C47 E4 1994
Description128 p. : chiefly color ill. ; 29 cm.
NoteEmperor Qin Shihuang's eternal terra-cotta warriors and horses : a mighty and valiant underground army over 2,200 years back / Managing editor: Li Bing-wu...[et al].
***Graphic resource. Qin tombs.
Princes of jade
AuthorCapon, EdmundMacQuitty, William
PlaceNew York
PublisherE.P. Dutton
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS748 .C36 1973b
Description192 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 26 cm.

Princes of jade / [by] Edmund Capon & William MacQuitty.
Bibliography: p. 188.

Contents: Prince of Han; China before the Han; from Confucius to Laozi; Court of the Son of Heaven; everyday life in Han China; Han imperialism: China and the West; art and culture: the age of Realism; legacy of Han; chronological lists.
Note: Color plates detail Han eternal fidelity lamp from Princess Dou Wan tomb; bronze artifacts, animals, wrestlers, jade burial suit of Prince Liu Sheng, Zhou dynasty pendants, tomb rubbing from Chengdu, Sichuan; relief molded bricks, silk spinning loom, weapons, spears, chariots; items from Fenshuiling, Shanxi, Shandong, Ordos, Wangdu, Hebei; Xiongnu art; flying horse from Leidai, Wuwei, Gansu, Eastern Han; Mawangdui.

Treasures of China
AuthorJuliano, Annette L.
PlaceNew York
PublisherRichard Marek Publishers
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberN7340.J78 1981
Description192 p. : ill. (some col) ; 29 cm.
NoteTreasures of China / Annette Juliano.
Bibliography: p. 186-188. Includes index.
ISBN0399901051 ; 9780399901058
Xinding Sanli tu 新定三禮圖. [Sanli tu 三禮圖]
AuthorNie Chongyi 聶崇義, 10th cent.
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
ShelfGold Room
Call NumberCase T Row 4:2 [DS721.N45 1985]
Description2 v. : ill. ; 29 cm.
NoteXinding Sanli tu 新定三禮圖 : [20卷] / [Nie Chongyi jizhu 聶崇義集注].
Reprint. Originally published: Zhenjiang 鎮江 : Zhenjiang fuxue 鎮江府學, 1175. With new introduction.
Illustrated handbook for performance of the rites and ceremonies of state during the Song dynasty (960-1279). Illustrations include musical instruments, articles of clothing, writing implements, weapons, banners from military and civilian offices, etc.
Yuan ta jinshi tu 原搨金石圖
Place[China : s.n]
CollectionRicci Institute Library [VS]
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeAlbum (mounted images)
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberNK3634.Y83
Description2 v. [accordion fold album] : ill. ; 38 cm.
NoteYuan ta jinshi tu 原搨金石圖.
Large format accordion-folded volumes of rubbings of famous Chinese stelae, monuments and funerary items. Each image accompanied by a description in Chinese.
No author, place of publication, publisher, or date. Partially obliterated vendor or publisher stamp, possible Tokyo. Paper and appearance suggest ca. 1930 printing. (This archive contains a number of China-related items published in Japan from this period). Not in OCLC. NLC, NCLT.
Graphic resource ***