Subject: China--History--Han dynasty, 202 B.C.-220 A.D.--Tombs

Beijing wenbo 北京文博 = Beijing cultural relics and museums
AuthorZhang Zhan 張展Beijing Shi wenwuju 北京市文物局
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing Yanshan chubanshe 北京燕山出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese, English
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberDS715.Z43 2007
Description99 p. : illus. (some color) ; 26 cm.

Beijing wenbo 北京文博 = Beijing cultural relics and museums / Beijing Shi wenwuju 北京市文物局 and Zhang Zhan 張展.

Number 1, 2007.

Contains an article on the Jin 金 imperial tombs and one report on a set of newly excavated Qing tombs.

ISBN9787540208783 ; 7540208783
Beijing wenbo 北京文博 = Beijing cultural relics and museums
AuthorZhang Zhan 張展Beijing Shi wenwuju 北京市文物局
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing Yanshan chubanshe 北京燕山出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese, English
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberDS715.Z43 2007a
Description99 p. : illus. (mostly color) ; 26 cm.

Beijing wenbo 北京文博 = Beijing cultural relics and museums / Beijing Shi wenwuju 北京市文物局 and Zhang Zhan 張展.

Number 2, 2007.

ISBN9787540208783 ; 7540208783
China's imperial tombs and mausoleums
AuthorLuo Zhewen 羅哲文, 1924-2012
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherForeign Languages Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
EditionFirst Edition
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberDS719.L613 1993
Description216 pp. : illus. (some color), map ; 32 cm.
China's imperial tombs and mausoleums / Luo Zhewen 羅哲文.
ISBN 9787119016191 ; 7119016199
Jingfa : Mawangdui Hanmu boshu 經法 : 馬王堆漢墓帛書
AuthorMawangdui Hanmu boshu zhengli xiaozu 馬王堆漢墓帛書整理小組
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherWenwu chubanshe 文物出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberB126.C515 1976
Description189 p., [1] leaf of plates : facsim. ; 21 cm.
NoteJingfa 經法 : Mawangdui Hanmu boshu 馬王堆漢墓帛書 / Mawangdui Hanmu boshu zhengli xiaozu bian 馬王堆漢墓帛書整理小組編.
Title: Mawangdui Hanmu boshu 馬王堆漢墓帛書.

Fajia luxian he Huang Lao sixiang / Kangli Weijin -- Jingfa -- Shi da jing -- Cheng -- Daoyuan -- "Shi da jing" de sixiang he shidai / Kangli -- "Shi da jing" chulun / Gao Heng, Dong Zhian -- Hanchu Huang Lao sixiang he fajia luxian / Cheng Wu -- Fajia dui Huang Lao zhi xue de xishou he gaizao / Tang Xin -- Mawangdui chutu "Laozi" yibenjuan qian guyishu de yanjiu / Tang Lan.
法家路線和黄老思想 / 康立・衛今 -- 經法 -- 十大經 -- 稱 -- 道原 --《十大經》的思想和時代 / 康立 --《十大經》初論 / 高亨, 董治安 -- 漢初黄老思想和法家路線 / 程武 -- 法家對黄老之學的吸收和改造 / 湯新 -- 馬王堆出土《老子》乙本卷前古佚書的硏究 / 唐蘭.

Luoyang Shaogou Hanmu 洛陽燒溝漢墓
AuthorZhongguo kexueyuan 中國科學院. Kaogu yanjiusuo 考古研究所
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherKexue chubanshe 科學出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongguo tianye kaogu baogaoji 中國田野考古報告集, Kaoguxue zhuankan 考古学專刊. Dingzhong 丁種 ; 第6號
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS715.L693 1959
Descriptionxiii, 242 p. illus. (part col.) maps, tables. 27 cm.
NoteLuoyang Shaogou Hanmu 洛陽燒溝漢墓, Zhongguo kexueyuan kaogu yanjiusuo bian 中國科學院考古研究所編.
Includes bibliographical footnotes.
Princes of jade
AuthorCapon, EdmundMacQuitty, William
PlaceNew York
PublisherE.P. Dutton
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS748 .C36 1973b
Description192 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 26 cm.

Princes of jade / [by] Edmund Capon & William MacQuitty.
Bibliography: p. 188.

Contents: Prince of Han; China before the Han; from Confucius to Laozi; Court of the Son of Heaven; everyday life in Han China; Han imperialism: China and the West; art and culture: the age of Realism; legacy of Han; chronological lists.
Note: Color plates detail Han eternal fidelity lamp from Princess Dou Wan tomb; bronze artifacts, animals, wrestlers, jade burial suit of Prince Liu Sheng, Zhou dynasty pendants, tomb rubbing from Chengdu, Sichuan; relief molded bricks, silk spinning loom, weapons, spears, chariots; items from Fenshuiling, Shanxi, Shandong, Ordos, Wangdu, Hebei; Xiongnu art; flying horse from Leidai, Wuwei, Gansu, Eastern Han; Mawangdui.

Zhongguo jianzhu yishu quanji 中國建築藝術全集
AuthorZhongguo jianzhu yishu quanji bianji weiyuanhui 中國建筑兿術全集編輯委員會
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo jianzhu chubanshe 中國建筑出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongguo meishu fenlei quanji 中國美術分類全集
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberNA1543.Z4754 1999
Description4 vols. (out of 24) : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm.

Zhongguo jianzhu yishu quanji 中國建築藝術全集 / Zhongguo jianzhu yishu quanji bianji weiyuanhui 中國建筑兿術全集編輯委員會.

Includes vols.:

v. 3. Palace architecture (Shenyang) 宮殿建築(3) (瀋陽)
v. 6. Tombs up until the Yuan period 元代前陵墓建築
v. 7. Ming tombs 明代陵墓建築
v. 8. Qing tombs 清代陵墓建築


ISBN711203681X etc