Subject: Buddhism--Sacred books--Indexes

Daozang zimu yinde 道藏子目引得. Fozang zimu yinde 佛藏子目引得
AuthorHung, William 洪業, 1893-1980Harvard-Yenching Institute 哈佛燕京學社. Yinde bianzuanchu 引得编纂處Weng Dujian 翁獨健, 1906-1986
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu, Ricci Institute Library [T7]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBL1920.T283 W46 1986
Description216, 266, 459, 412, [53] pages ; 21 cm

Daozang zimu yinde 道藏子目引得 / [Weng Dujian bian 翁獨健編]. Fozang zimu yinde 佛藏子目引得 / [Hong Ye洪業 ... et al. 编纂].
Reprint (1st work). Originally published: Hafo Yanjing xueshe yinde bianzuanchu 哈佛燕京學社引得编纂處, 1935. In condensed size.
Reprint (2nd work). Originally published: Hafo Yanjing xueshe yinde bianzuanchu 哈佛燕京學社引得编纂處, 1933. In condensed size.
Cover and spine title: Daozang zimu Fozang zimu yinde 道藏子目佛藏子目引得.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō : bekkan Shōwa hōhō sōmokuroku 大正新修大藏經 : 別卷昭和法寶總目錄. [Da zangjing 大藏經. Japanese & Chinese]
AuthorTakakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎, 1866-1945Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭, 1872-1933
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherTaishō Issaikyō Kankōkai 大正一切經刊行會
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBQ1210.T35 1924 Index
Description3 v. ; 27 cm.
NoteTakakusu Junjirō, Watanabe Kaigyoku henshū 高楠順次郎, 渡邊海旭編輯.
"Society for the Publication of the Taisho Edition of the Tripitika, 1924-1932"
Contents and index to: Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 大正新修大藏經.
Title in pinyin: Fabao zongmulu 法寶總目錄.