Author | Van Kley, Edwin J.Lach, Donald F. (Donald Frederick), 1917-2000 |
Place | Chicago |
Publisher | University of Chicago Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Shelf | Stacks, Digital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | DS33.1.L3 1965 |
Description | 3 9 : ill., maps, ports. ; 24 cm. + pdf |
Note | Asia in the making of Europe / Donald F. Lach. Vol. 3 co-authored by Edwin J. Van Kley. Contents: Volume I: The century of discovery (in 2 volumes) [up to 1600] -- Volume II: A century of wonder [XVIth century]; Book 1. The visual arts. Book 2. The literary arts. Book 3. The scholarly disciplines -- Volume III: A century of advance [up to 1700]; Book 1. Trade, missions, literature. Book 2. South Asia. Book 3. Southeast Asia. Book 4. East Asia. ***Graphic resource: " ... Many of the earlier accounts of China are beautifully illustrated as well as extensively introduced in Donald F. Lach's voluminous series ..." --Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 766. Local access dig.pdf. [Folder: Asia in the Making of Europe] Vol. 1, pts. 1-2 and vol. 2, pt.1 also in stacks. |
LCCN | 64019848 |
Author | Svriz Wucherer, Pedro Omar |
Place | Madrid |
Publisher | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Spanish, Portuguese |
Type | Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Biblioteca de Historia |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | BX3714 S87 2024 |
Description | [PDF] 332 p. : color ill., maps ; 24 cm. |
Note | Crucifijos y mercaderías : jesuitas y economía en los imperios ibéricos, siglos XVI-XVIII / Pedro Omar Svriz Wucherer, ed. Available for download on the publisher's website. Local access dig .pdf [Svriz Wucherer-Crucifijos y mercaderías.pdf] Summary: "Esta obra surge con el objetivo de analizar las actividades económicas y comerciales llevadas a cabo por los integrantes de la Compañía de Jesús para mantener sus misiones evangelizadoras en diversos territorios de los imperios ibéricos durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Dicho análisis se presenta a lo largo de trece capítulos elaborados por reconocidos investigadores y expertos en esta temática —procedentes de Alemania, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, España y Portugal—, quienes, con sus exhaustivos estudios sobre las instituciones y las misiones jesuíticas en el Chaco, Chiloé, China, Etiopía, Goa, las islas Marianas, Japón, Lisboa, Macao, Maynas, el Paraguay y Río de Janeiro, en conjunto, posibilitan una mirada transimperial, comparada y global del proceder de la Compañía de Jesús durante la época moderna. En especial, cabe afirmar, parafraseando a Serge Gruzinski, que el enfoque adoptado por los autores logra reunir regiones, seres, visiones e imaginarios que el tiempo y los estudios sobre los jesuitas y los imperios lusitano y español han solido examinar de forma separada. Así, en palabras del Dr. Guillermo Wilde, responsable del prólogo de la obra, esta «abre una nueva ventana al pasado y coloca la materialidad y la vida social de las cosas en el centro de la reflexión historiográfica»." Contents: Prólogo. Guillermo Wilde.............................................................................................. 11
ISBN | 978-84-00-11304-9 |
Author | Hsia, R. Po-chia [Ronnie Xia Bojia 夏伯嘉], 1953-Maryks, Robert A.Cañizares-Esguerra, JorgeBoston College. Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies |
Place | Leiden ; Boston |
Publisher | Brill |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Jesuit studies (Leiden, Netherlands) ; v.14, Boston College International Symposia on Jesuit Studies ; 3 |
Shelf | Digital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | BR1065.E53 2018 |
Description | ix, 365 p. : color ill. ; 25 cm.+pdf |
Note | Encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas / edited by Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, Robert Aleksander Maryks, R.P. Hsia. Introduction: Protestantism and early Jesuits / Robert Aleksander Maryks – Part 1. Asia. Introduction / R.P. Hsia -- 2. We are not Jesuits: reassessing relations between Protestantism, French Catholicism, and the Society of Jesus in late Tokugawa to early Showa Japan / Makoto Harris Takao -- Kirishitan veneration of the saints: Jesuit and Dutch witnesses / Haruko Nawata Ward -- Jesuit and Protestant use of vernacular Chinese in accommodation policy / Sophie Ling-chia Wei -- Shaping the anthropological context of the "Salus populi Sinensis" Madonna icon in Xian, China / Hui-Hung Chen -- Jesuit and Protestant encounters in Jiangnan: contest and cooperation in China's lower Yangzi region / Steven Pieragastini -- Protestant and Jesuit encounters in India in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Delio Mendonca -- Beyond words: missionary grammars and the construction of language in Tamil country / Michelle Zaleski –Part 2. The Americas. Jesuit liminal space in liberal Protestant modernity / Jorge Canizares-Esguerra -- Jose de Acosta, a Spanish Jesuit-Protestant author: print culture, contingency, and deliberate silence in the making of the canon / Jorge Canizares-Esguerra -- Negotiating the confessional divide in Dutch Brazil and the Republic: the case of Manoel de Moraes / Anne B. McGinness -- A French Jesuit parish, without the Jesuits: Grand Bay's Catholic community and institutional durability in British Dominica / Steve Lenik -- "Tis nothing but French poison, all of it": Jesuit and Calvinist missions on the New World frontier / Catherine Balleriaux -- "Americans, you are marked for their prey!" Jesuits and the nineteenth-century nativist impulse / Robert Emmett Curran -- Wars of words: Catholic and Protestant Jesuitism in nineteenth-century America / Steven Mailloux. "The present volume is a result of an international symposium on the encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas, which was organized by Boston College's Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College in June 2017.In Asia, Protestants encountered a mixed Jesuit legacy: in South Asia, they benefited from pioneering Jesuit ethnographers while contesting their conversions; in Japan, all Christian missionaries who returned after 1853 faced the equation of Japanese nationalism with anti-Jesuit persecution; and in China, Protestants scrambled to catch up to the cultural legacy bequeathed by the earlier Jesuit mission. In the Americas, Protestants presented Jesuits as enemies of liberal modernity, supporters of medieval absolutism yet master manipulators of modern self-fashioning and the printing press. The evidence suggests a far more complicated relationship of both Protestants and Jesuits as co-creators of the bright and dark sides of modernity, including the public sphere, public education, plantation slavery, and colonialism"-- publisher note. Local access dig.pdf. [Encounters Asia Americas.pdf] |
ISBN | 9789004373822 ; 9004373829 |
LCCN | 2018026296 |
Author | |
Place | Hanam-si 하남시 |
Publisher | Suwŏn Kyohoesa Yŏn'guso 수원 교회사 연구소 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Korean, English |
Type | Periodical |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | BX1670.5.K6 K96 |
Description | 353 p. : illus. ; 23 cm. |
Note | Kyohoe sahak 教會史學 = Research journal of Catholic church history Library has vol. 12 (2015). |
LCCN | 2010211864 |
Author | Qi Yinping 戚印平 |
Place | Beijing 北京 |
Publisher | Zhonghua shuju 中華書局 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 北京第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BV3415.2.Q585 2007 |
Description | 2, 705 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Yuandong Yesuhuishi yanjiu 遠東耶穌會史研究 / Qi Yinping 戚印平. Includes bibliography (p.651-666) and glossary-index. |
ISBN | 9787101057072 |