Subject: Catholic action (Lay apostolate)--China--History

Congregazione laiche gesuitiche della antica missione cinese
AuthorMargiotti, Fortunato
PlaceSchöneck/Beckenried, Schweiz
PublisherSeminar Schöneck/Beckenried
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageItalian, Latin
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberBR1287.M2765 1962
Descriptionp. 255-274, 50-65 ; 23 cm.
NoteCongregazione laiche gesuitiche della antica missione cinese / Fortunato Margiotti.
"Separat=Abdruck: Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft = Nouvelle revue de science missionaire, XVIII (1962), 255-274, XIX (1963), 50-65."
Includes bibliographical references and glossary of Chinese names, terms, and titles.
Appendix (by Fr. de Mailla) in Latin.
Congregazioni mariane della antica missione cinese
AuthorMargiotti, Fortunato
PlaceSchöneck/Beckenried, Schweiz
PublisherAdministration der Neuen Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageItalian, Latin
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberBR1287.M276 1961
Descriptionp. 131-153 ; 23 cm.
NoteCongregazioni mariane della antica missione cinese / von Fortunato Margiotti, O.F.M.
"Sondedruck aus Das Laienapostolat in den Missionen : Festschrift Prof. Dr. Johannes Beckmann SMB zum 60. Geburtstag, dargeboten von Freunden und Schülern (1961)."--cover.
Includes bibliographical references and list of Chinese names, titles, and phrases (p.153).

Discusses: Congregazione della Madre di Dio (Tianzhu shengmuhui 天主聖母會) -- Congregazione degli Angeli Custodi (Hushou Tianshenhui 護守天神會) -- Congregazione di S. Francisco Javier (Sheng Fangjige Shawulüehui 聖方濟各沙勿略會) -- Congregazione della Passione di N.S. Gesù Cristo (Yesu ku hui 耶穌苦會) -- Congregazione della Annunziata (Shengmu lingbaohui 聖母領報會)
Includes Latin text of 12 Aug. 1776 letter from Mgr. Gottfried Xavier von Laimbeckhoven in Nanjing to the Propaganda in Changshu on the suppression of the Jesuits (p.151).