Subject: Ricci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610. Jihe yuanben 幾何原本

Chen Yinke xiansheng lunji 陳寅恪先生論集
AuthorChen Yinke 陳寅恪, 1890-1969
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherZhongyang yanjiuyuan lishi yuyan yanjiusuo 中央硏究院歷史語言硏究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library [F2]
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongyang yanjiuyuan lishi yuyan yanjiusuo tekan 中央研究院歷史語言研究所特刊 ; 3
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberCT1828.C523 A2 1971
Description8, 461 p., [1] : ill. ; 27 cm.
NoteSui-Tang zhidu yuanyuan lüelun gao 隋唐制度淵源略論稿 -- Tangdai zhengzhi shishu lungao 唐代政治史述論稿.
Shorter essays includes topics such as: Buddhism in Central Asia, Tibet, and Mongolia, Dunhuang texts, development of the Xuanzhuang 玄奘 stories from Xiyouji 西遊記, a Manchu text of the Jihe yuanben 幾何原本 (Elements of Geometry), Mongol genealogy and origins, Xixia 西夏, Khara-khoto, Li Tangshi 李唐氏, and other studies on Medieval China (ca. 220-589).
Euclid in China : the genesis of the first Chinese translation of Euclid's Elements, books I-VI (Jihe yuanben, Beijing, 1607) and its reception up to 1723
AuthorEngelfriet, Peter M.
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesSinica Leidensia ; 40
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberQA31.E8753 1998
Descriptionxii, 488 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. + pdf

Euclid in China : the genesis of the first Chinese translation of Euclid's Elements, books I-VI (Jihe yuanben, Beijing, 1607) and its reception up to 1723 / by Peter M. Engelfriet.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [467]-482) and index.

Ch. 1. Introduction. Pt. I From Rome to Beijing.
Ch. 2. Mathematics in Jesuit Context: A. The educational mission. Ricci’s pre-mathematical education. B. Clavius’ promotion of the mathematical sciences. Introduction of the Elements. Opposition against mathematics. C. Mathematics in Aristotelian context. Quantity. The Syllogism. D. The "School of Clavius": Ricci’s mathematical training. Limitations of Jesuit mathematics.
Ch. 3. Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi in Late Ming Society. A. Matteo Ricci: from Macao to Beijing. B. Calendar reform and a possible earlier translation of Euclid. C. Xu Guangqi’s background. D. Some aspects of intellectual life during the Ming: the cultural environment – Neo-Confucian concepts relevant to science – Diagrams and charts. E. Mathematics during the Ming.
Pt. II The Translation.
Ch. 4. Clavius' 1574 Edition. Preliminary remarks. B. Transmission of the Elements. Arabic translations and Latin middle ages – Renaissance. C. Clavius’ edition. D. Theory of proportions. Clavius versus Commandino: a point of divergence. E. Postulates, axioms and constructions.
Ch. 5. The Jihe yuanben. Editions. Terminology and language. Definitions, axioms and postulates. (Book I-VI).
Appendix to Ch. 5. The Enunciations of all Propositions.
Pt. III Reception and Influence: Ch. 6 Mathematics in the Service of the Dynasty. Xu Guangqi’s preface, Researches into traditional mathematics, books on "forms and numbers". Yuanrongjiao yi : Tongwen suanzhi : The year 1616. The period 1620-1635. Qiqi tushuo ; Jihe yaofa : Calendar reform : Celiang quanyi.
Ch. 7 The Ming-Qing Transition. A. Brief historical survey. B. Chinese cosmology and Western science - Xiong Mingyu - The Fang family. C. "Expansion of Numbers and magnitudes" : the Jihe yue. D. Between Ming and Qing: Huang Zongxi - Lu Shiyi - Wang Xichan.
Ch. 8 Three Scholar-Mathematicians of the Late Seventeenth Century: A. Li Zijin. B. Du Zhigeng: the Jihe lunyue. C. Mei Wending: life till 1700 - Euclidean geometry explained by Gougu - extension to three dimensional space - Views on Mathematics.
Ch. 9 The Royal Road: A. Kangxi Emperor. B. New "Elements". C. Shuli jingyun and beyond.
Ch. 10 Conclusion. App. 1: Preface by Matteo Ricci. App. 2: Preface by Wu Xuehao . Abbreviations – Bibliography – Index.

Local access dig.pdf. [Euclid in China.pdf]

ISBN9789004109445 ; 9004109447
Presentazione della prima traduzione Cinese di Euclide
AuthorD'Elia, Pasquale M., b. 1890
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherInstitut Monumenta Serica
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageItalian, English
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberBV3427.R46 J554 1956
Descriptionp. 161-202 ; 26 cm.
NotePresentazione della prima traduzione Cinese di Euclide / Pasquale D'Elia.
Monumenta Serica, reprint from Vol. XV, fasc.1, 1956.
Includes bibliographical references. In Italian, with English summary.
Analysis of the Ricci's and Xu Guangqi's translation and publication of the 1589 edition of Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV, written by Ricci's former professor at the Roman College, Cristoforo Clavio. Article consists of annotated Italian translation of the preface, introduction, "reflexions 雜議", and bibliographical note to the revised (再校本) of 1611.