Subject: Xi'an 西安 (Shaanxi Sheng)--History

Chang'an yu Luoyang 長安與洛陽 : 地圖. [Chōan to Rakuyō 長安と洛陽. Chinese]
AuthorYang Lisan 楊勵三Hiraoka Takeo 平岡武夫, 1909-1995
PlaceXi'an 西安
PublisherShaanxi renmin chubanshe 陝西人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, Japanese
ShelfGold Room
Call NumberCase I [DS796.S55 H5 1957]
Description86 p. : 30 folded maps ; 26 cm.
NoteChang'an yu Luoyang : (ditu) 長安與洛陽 : (地圖) / Pinggang Wufu zhu 平岡武夫著, Yang Lisan yi 楊勵三譯.
Translation of: Chōan to Rakuyō 長安と洛陽 (1956).
另附散張地圖30幅, 與書同載一函.
With 30 maps, in case.
Xi'an lishi ditu ji 西安歷史地圖集 = The historical atlas of Xi'an
AuthorShi Nianhai 史念海
PlaceXi'an Shi 西安市
PublisherXi'an ditu chubanshe 西安地圖出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [CKCC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberG2309.S6S1 H74 1996
Description1 atlas (178 p.) : color ill, color maps ; 39 cm
NoteXi'an lishi ditu ji 西安歷史地圖集 = The historical atlas of Xi'an / Shi Nianhai zhubian 史念海主編.
Preface and table of contents also in English.
ISBN7805455015 ; 9787805455013
Yan Danzi 燕丹子. Xijing zaji 西京雜記
AuthorGe Hong 葛洪, 284-364Liu Xin 劉歆, d. 23Cheng Yizhong 程毅中, 1930-
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesGu xiaoshuo congkan 古小說叢刊
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL2662.Y399 C48 1985
Description2, 35, 2, 6, 62 p., [2] p. of plates : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteYan Danzi 燕丹子 / wumingshi zhuan 無名氏撰 ; Cheng Yizhong dianjiao 程毅中點校. Xijing zaji 西京雜記 / [Liu Xin zhuan 劉歆撰], Ge Hong zhuan 葛洪撰 [i.e. ji 集].
Colophon title also in pinyin: Yan dan zi. Xi jing za ji.
Includes bibliographical references. "Xijing zaji 西京雜記, Liu Xin, d. 23, Fprmer Han recovered miscellany on institutions and events linked to Chang'an." Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 790.