Subject: Catholic Church--China--Directories

Annuaire de l'église catholique en Chine. [Zhonghua quanguo jiaowu tongji 中華全國教務統計]
AuthorBureau sinologique de Zi-ka-wei 徐家匯光啓社
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherImprimerie de T'ou-sè-wè près Zi-Ka-Wei
CollectionRouleau Archives
LanguageFrench, Chinese
TypeSerial (Annual)
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberBV3420.C5 A4
Description87 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteAnnuaire de l'église catholique en Chine / Bureau sinologique de Zi-ka-wei 徐家匯光啓社.
Année 1949 : "Statistiques de l'année (juillet 1947-juin 1948); Etat des missions de chine au 1 juillet 1948." 44e année.
Record based on 1949 edition.
At head of title: A.M.D.G. Zhonghua quanguo jiaowu tongji 中華全國教務統計.
Library has 1949-1950.
Chiesa Cattolica in Cina dal 1840 al 1911
AuthorLa Chiesa Cattolica in Cina dal 1840 al 1911 (Convegno internazionale : Roma : 2003)
PublisherPontificia Universitas Urbaniana
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageItalian, English
TypeConference Proceedings
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberTBD
DescriptionUnpublished symposium papers
NoteUnpublished and unedited symposium papers from: La Chiesa Cattolica in Cina dal 1840 al 1911. Convegno internazionale 27-29 marzo 2003. Pontificia Universita'Urbaniana, Rome, Italy.

Social gospel and fundamentalism: conflicting approaches of Protestant missionaries in China (1840-1911) / R.G. Tiedemann -- What have said the Chinese people [sic] about the Jesuit missionaries / Mark Fang, S.J. -- Pio X e la Cina / Gianni La Bella -- Relazione su: "Accordi internazionali e religiosi Cattolici in Cina: il caso dei Francescani" / Fabio Vecchi -- Tempi insicuri per gli inizi della Societa' del Verbo Divino / Paul Raabe SVD -- La presenza dei Dominicani nella Provincia del Fujian nel'Ottocento 十九世紀於中國道明會的傳教區 / [unsigned] -- Han-Mongol Christian communities and CICM in the Low Countries (1840-1911) / Patrick Taveirne -- The activity of the Paris Foreign Missions Society (MEP) in China from 1840-1911 / Jean Charbonnier MEP -- Le Canossiane tra il popolo Cinese, 1860-1911 / Maria Rossoni, fdcc -- Missione dele suore di S. Paolo di Chartres / Sr Paul Lucas -- Il seminario Lombardo per le missione estere in Hong Kong e Henan / Angelo S. Lazzarotto -- I Papa e la Cina: da Gregorio XVI a Leone XIII / Agostino Giovagnoli -- La Chiesa Cattolica e il mondo degli altri / Andrea Riccardi -- Propaganda Fide, tra missionari Europei e clero Cinese / Elisa Giunipero.

Added keywords: Jesuits -- Franciscans -- SVD / Maryknoll / Society of the Divine Word -- Canossians -- Dominicans - Pope Gregory XVI -- Pope Leo XIII -- St. Paul of Chartres

Chungguk ch'ŏnjugyohoe kiljabi 중국천주교회 길잡이 2021 = 中國天主教指南 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2021
AuthorCharbonnier, Jean 沙百里Ch'oe Kyŏng-sik 최경식 [Choe Gyeongsik]
PlaceYong'in-si 용인시, Kyŏnggi-do 경기도
PublisherEast Asia Evangelization Center 동아시아 복음화 연구원
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesAsia pogŭmhwa yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ 아시아복음화연구총서 ; 6
Call NumberBX1665.C48164 2021
Description1055 p. : illus. ; 22 cm.

Chungguk ch'ŏnjugyohoe kiljabi 중국천주교회 길잡이 2021 = 中國天主教指南 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2021 / Jean Charbonnier 沙百里 [Syaboniŏ 샤보니어], trans. by Ch'oe Kyŏng-sik 최경식 [Choe Gyeongsik]

Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主教指南 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China
AuthorCharbonnier, Jean 沙百里
PlaceSingapore 新加坡
PublisherChina Catholic Communication 新加坡中華公教聯絡社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.C48 1986
Description[vii], 310 p. : ill., maps. ; 19 cm.
NoteCover title.
Text in Chinese and English.
Includes indexes.
"List of religious books for China Catholics": p. 243-249.
Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主教指南 1993 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 1993
AuthorCharbonnier, Jean 沙百里
PlaceSingapore 新加坡
PublisherChina Catholic Communication 新加坡中華公教聯絡社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.C48 1993
Descriptionvi, 420 p., [12] p. : color ill., maps ; 19 cm.
NoteZhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主教指南 1993 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 1993 / jean Charbonnier 沙百里.
Chinese and English.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主教指南 1997 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 1997
AuthorCharbonnier, Jean 沙百里
PublisherChina Catholic Communication
CollectionRicci Institute Library, Ricci Institute [AEC]
ShelfHallway Cases, Stacks [AEC]
Call NumberBX1665.C48 1997
Descriptionvii, 559 p., [2] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 20 cm.

Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主教指南 1997 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China / Published by Jean Charbonnier, MEP.
Chinese and English. Includes bibliographical references and index.
***Graphic resource: extensive local maps of Catholic institutions, parishes and churches.

2 additional copies in AEC stacks.

Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主教指南 2000 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2000
AuthorCharbonnier, Jean 沙百里Lee, Patrick 李金輝Ng, Maria 吳敏儀
PublisherChina Catholic Communication 新加坡中華公教聯絡社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.C48 2000
Descriptionvi, 578 p., [4] p. of plates: ill., maps; 20 cm.
NoteAuthor: Rev. Fr. Jean Charbonnier 沙百里神父 (MEP 巴黎外方傳教會) ; Editors: Patrick Lee 李金輝, Maria Ng 吳敏儀.
Chinese and English. Includes bibliographical references and index.
***Graphic resource: extensive local maps of Catholic institutions, parishes and churches.
Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主教指南 2004 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2004
AuthorCharbonnier, Jean 沙百里Lee, Patrick 李金輝Ng, Maria 吳敏儀
PublisherChina Catholic Communication 新加坡中華公教聯絡社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.C48 2004
Descriptionviii, 745 p. : ill., maps ; 19 cm.
NoteAuthor: Rev. Fr. Jean Charbonnier 沙百里神父 (MEP 巴黎外方傳教會) ; Editor: Patrick Lee 李金輝, Maria Ng 吳敏儀.
Includes bibliographical references and Chinese Church chronology. In Chinese and English (對照)
***Graphic resource: extensive local maps of Catholic institutions, parishes and churches.
Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主校指南 1989 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China 1989
AuthorCharbonnier, Jean 沙百里
PlaceSingapore 新加坡
PublisherChina Catholic Communication 新加坡中華公教聯絡社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.C48 1989
Descriptionx, 380 p. : ill., port., maps. ; 19 cm.
NoteZhongguo Tianzhujiao zhinan 中國天主校指南 = Guide to the Catholic Church in China / jean Charbonnier.
Text in Chinese and English.
Bibliography: p. 345-354.