Subject: Manchukuo 滿洲國--Geographical dictionaries

Manshū chimei no kenkyū 滿洲地名の硏究
AuthorIwase Kōichirō 岩瀨弘一郎, fl. 1938
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherKokon Shoin 古今書院
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Call NumberDS781.5.M267 I817 1938
Description2, 2, 4, 297 p. ; 18 cm.
NoteManshū chimei no kenkyū 滿洲地名の硏究 / Iwase Kōichirō cho 岩瀨弘一郎著.
Bibliography: p. 297.
Includes index.
Shōwa 昭和13 [1938].
Manshūkoku chimei daijiten 滿洲國地名大辭典
AuthorYamazaki Sōyo 山崎惣與
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherShōbundō 昭文堂 : Nihon Shobō 日本書房
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageJapanese, Chinese
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS781.5.Y3 1937
Description2, 4, 935, 141, 57, 18 p. : maps ; 27 cm
NoteManshūkoku chimei daijiten 滿洲國地名大辭典 / Yamazaki Sōyo cho 山崎惣與著.
Shōwa 昭和 12 .
Preface dated: Shōwa 昭和 12 ; Kangde 康德 4 [1937].
Indexes include Ouwen suoyin 歐文索引, arranged according to Wade-Giles, postal system, and other transcriptions.
Keywords: Manchu names, Manchurian place-names, Dong-Bei, Dongbei 東北, Japanese occupation of Manchuria, northeast China geography, cities and towns.