Subject: Lu Ji 陸機, 261-303. Wenfu 文賦

art of letters : Lu Chi's Wen fu, A.D. 302 : a translation and comparative study. [Wenfu 文賦. English]
AuthorLu Ji 陸機, 261-303Hughes, E. R. (Ernest Richard), 1883-1956
PlaceNew York
PublisherPantheon Books
CollectionRicci Institute Library [M5]
SeriesBollingen series ; 29
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberPL2997.L67 A75 1951
Descriptionxviii, 261 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
NoteThe Art of letters : Lu Chi's "Wen fu," A.D. 302 : a translation and comparative study / E.R. Hughes, with a forenote by I. A. Richards.
Translation of: Wenfu 文賦.

Appendices (p. 231-248): 1. A discussion about literature, by Emperor Wen of the Wei dynasty (third century A.D.)-- 2. The literary mind and its carving of dragons, by Liu Hsieh (sixth century)-- 3. Some notes on the history of the text of the Wen fu, together with some bibliographical details. -- 4. Note on the frontispiece, by Chen Shou-yi.

Wenfu jishi 文賦集釋
AuthorLu Ji 陸機, 261-303Zhang Shaokang 張少康
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberPL2261.L843 C48 1984
Description1, 3, 16, 200 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteWenfu jishi 文賦集釋 / Lu Ji zhuan 陸機撰 ; Zhang Shaokang jishi 張少康集釋.
Bibliography: p. 197-200.