Subject: Education--China--Philosophy--19th century

K'iuen-hio p'ien : exhortations à l'étude. [Quanxue pian 勸學篇. French & Chinese]
AuthorZhang Zhidong 張之洞, 1837-1909Tobar, Jérôme
PublisherImprimerie de la Mission Catholique
CollectionRouleau Archives
EditionNouvelle éd.
LanguageFrench, Chinese
SeriesVariétés sinologiques ; 26
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS703.V3 no.26
Descriptioniv, 197 p. : port. ; 25 cm.
NoteK'iuen-hio p'ien : exhortations à l'étude / par Tchang Tche-Tong ; [Nouvelle éd. enrichie du texte chinois par le Père Jérome Tobar.]
Translation of: Quanxue pian 勸學篇 (1898).
French and Chinese.
Quanxue pian 勸學篇
AuthorZhang Zhidong 張之洞, 1837-1909
PublisherLianghu shuyuan 兩湖書院
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
ShelfGold Room
Call NumberCase N [DS763.C4 A32 1898]
Description2 v. ; 18 cm
NoteQuanxue pian 勸學篇 / Zhang Zhidong shu 張之洞述.
Publisher: Weixinxianguan : Lianghu shuyuan 維新仙館 : 兩湖書院, Guangxu 光緖 24 [1898].
" ... Zhang urged Chinese students to study in Japan rather than the West on the grounds that students could complete their studies more quickly .... see his Quanxue pian 勸學篇 (Exhortation to study), 外篇, 游學, 1898." Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 677.