Subject: Bible. O.T. Genesis--Miscellanea

Genesis and the mystery Confucius couldn't solve
AuthorNelson, Ethel R., 1923-Broadberry, Richard E.
PlaceSt. Louis
PublisherConcordia Pub. House
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionRev. ed.
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberPL1281.N44 1994
Description174 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
NoteGenesis and the mystery Confucius couldn't solve / Ethel R. Nelson, Richard E. Broadberry. -- Rev. 1994.
Originally published: Mysteries Confucius couldn't solve. South Lancaster, MA : Read Books, 1986.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [165]-166) and index.
Staff comment: This volume presents a Creationist interpretation of ancient Chinese script, i.e. the Chinese knew the Creation story and of the promise of a Savior. There are no notes, indices, or critical apparatus, and no reviews were found. In use of archaic Chinese (as opposed to the Jesuits?), the authors never cite where these characters come from; they appear to be randomly selected. This title appears in creation science bibliographies and websites. It seems essentially figurism with a modern face. Use with caution.