Subject: Christian martyrs--Asia

Asian martyrs and unsung heroes
AuthorDecroix, Paul
PublisherPhoenix Printers Sdn. Bhd.
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBR1600.D43 2002
Descriptionxvi, 271 p : color ill., maps ; 26 cm + supp
NoteAsian martyrs and unsung heroes / by P. Decroix.

Decroix (1922?-2015) was member of MEP (Missions Étrangères de Paris). Book is organized primarily by country, with some exceptions: one chapter on early missionaries, one on St. Francis Xavier, one on martyrs in Afghanistan and the People's Republic of China (PRC), and two on Malaysian martyrs in Malacca and Penang respectively (the latter is titled "The College of Martyrs"). Remaining chapters respectively cover Japan (Nagasaki), imperial China, Tibet, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Burma [Myanmar], Cambodia, and India.

Supplement featuring additional martyrs from the PRC, North Korea, and Socotra Island (in the Arabian Sea) also held.

ISBN9834070519 ; 9789834070519
Asian saints : the 486 Catholic canonized saints and blessed of Asia
AuthorClark, Francis X.
PlaceQuezon City
PublisherClaretian Publications
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
EditionRevised and enlarged ed., Second Edition
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberBX4659.A8 C53 2000
Description116 p, [8 pl] : ill, color ill ; 22 cm

Asian saints : the 486 Catholic canonized saints and blessed of Asia / Francis X. Clark, SJ.
Includes bibliographical references (p109-116).
Some ephemera inserted within pages (brochures concerning the Comboni Missionaries and 金邦尼傳教修會).

Contents: Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Asian Martyr Saints speak for themselves -- 3. Facts about the Martyrs -- 4. Korea -- 5. Vietnam -- 6. China -- 7. Japan -- 8. India, Philippines, Thailand -- 9. Observations concerning the Martyrs collectively -- 10. The Four Non-Martyr Blessed of Sri Lanka and India -- Conclusion -- Appendix 1: Vietnamese Martyr Saints -- Appendix 2: Chinese Martyr Saints -- Appendix 3: Korean Martyr Saints -- Appendix 4: Japanese Martyr Saints and Blessed -- Appendix 5: Other Asian Countries, and other possible Blessed and Saints -- Bibliography

ISBN9715018599 ; 9789715018593
Crimson seeds : eighteen PIME martyrs. [A causa di Gesù. English]
AuthorZambon, MariagraziaBaumbusch, Steve
PublisherPIME World Press
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBX4655.2.Z3513 1997
Description212 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm
NoteCrimson seeds : eighteen PIME martyrs / Mariagrazia Zambon ; translated from the Italian by Steve Baumbusch.
Translation of A Causa di Gesù, Diciotto Missionari Martiri del PIME. Bologna: EMI, 1994.
A collection of biographies of martyrs in various parts of Asia from the Pontificio Istituto missioni estere (PIME-Milano).

Contents: Oceania : Blessed John Mazzucconi. -- China : Blessed Alberic Crescitelli. -- China 1941 : Fr. Cesare Mencattini, Bishop Antonio Barosi, Fr. Mario Zanardi, Fr. Bruno Zanella, Fr. Girolamo Lazzaroni, The Martyrdom at Dingcunji, Fr. Carlo Osnaghi. -- Hong Kong : Fr. Emilio Teruzzi, Fr. Valeriano Fraccaro. -- Burma : Fr. Mario Vergara, Fr. Pietro Galastri, Fr. Alfredo Cremonesi, Fr. Pietro Manghisi, Fr. Eliodoro Farronate. -- Bangladesh : Fr. Angelo Maggioni. -- The Philippines : Fr. Tullio Favali, Fr. Salvatore Carzedda.

ISBN0964201046 ; 9780964201040
precious treasure in Coloane : the relics of Japanese and Vietnamese martyrs
AuthorTeixeira, Manuel 文德泉, 1912-2003
PlaceMacau 澳門
PublisherCentro de Informação e Turismo
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS796.M2 T469 1979
Description22 p., [4] p. of plates : ill. ; 16 cm
NoteA precious treasure in Coloane : the relics of Japanese and Vietnamese martyrs / Manuel Teixeira.
Includes list of Japanese and Vietnamese martyrs whose relics are kept at the Church of St. Francis Xavier in Coloane.
Saints of Asia : 1500 to the present
AuthorO'Malley, Vincent J.
PlaceHuntington, IN
PublisherOur Sunday Visitor
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberBX4659.A8 O63 2007
Description221 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Saints of Asia : 1500 to the present / Vincent J. O'Malley, C.M.
A collection, organized by feast day, of biographies (1-3 pages long, often with a portrait)of modern-era saints and candidates for sainthood (i.e. "Servants of God") who were born in Asia or ministered extensively in Asia. Scope includes the Middle East (Lebanon, Palestine/Israel, Syria), the Caucasus (Armenia), Russia (Siberia), East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam), South Asia (India), Southeast Asia (Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand), and Oceania (Australia, Futuna, Guam, Hawai'i, and Papua New Guinea).
Includes bibliographical references (pages 207-214) and indexes (by name and country of origin).

ISBN1592761739 ; 9781592761739
Supplement to 'Asian martyrs and unsung heroes'
AuthorDecroix, Paul
Publisher[Phoenix Printers Sdn. Bhd.]
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBR1600.D432 2002
Description27 p : ill , map ; 26 cm
NoteSupplement to "Asian martyrs and unsung heroes" / P. Decroix.

As indicated by title, supplement to "Asian martyrs and unsung heroes" by Fr. Paul Decroix, MEP (1922?-2015). Consists of three chapters on martyrs on Socotora (Socotra) Island in 1760, in North Korea from 1950-1953, and at the Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of Consolation [Yang kia ping ?= Yangjia bing] near Beijing in Hebei in 1947-1948. Includes a map of the Trappist monks' death march, and photographs of sites and individuals described in all three chapters.

No WorldCat record available.