Author | Freitas, Jordão de, b. 1866 |
Place | Macau 澳門 |
Publisher | Instituto Cultural de Macau |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Portuguese |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | DS796.M2 F74 1988 |
Description | 43 p. ; 22 cm |
Note | Macau : materiais para a sua história no século XVI / Jordão de Freitas. Includes bibliographical references. |
Author | Schütte, Josef Franz |
Place | Roma |
Publisher | Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu |
Collection | Rouleau Archives |
Language | German, Portuguese |
Type | Extract/Offprint |
Shelf | File Cabinet A |
Call Number | BV2290.J3 S3573 1962 |
Description | p. [225]-263 ; 24 cm. |
Note | P. Joseph Montanha's "Apparatos" und die Abschrift des Fernost-Archivs S.I. im Rahmen der Initiative der Academia Real da História Portuguesa / Joseph Franz Schütte. "Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, extractum e vol. xxxi-1962." Summary in Latin ; résumé in English. Some included documents transcribed in original Portuguese. Includes bibliographical references. |
Author | Santos, IsaúGomes, VascoArquivo Histórico de Macau |
Place | Macau 澳門 |
Publisher | Instituto Cultural de Macau : Fundação Oriente |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 1. ed. |
Language | Portuguese |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | DS796.M2 S336 1993 |
Description | 325 p. : facsims. ; 25 cm |
Note | Relaçóes entre Macau e Sião : documentos para a sua história existentes no Arquivo Histórico de Macau / Isaú Santos [e] Vasco Gomes. Appendix includes reproduction of original manuscript documents with transcription. 275 Doc. 1249: Tratado de amizade, comercio e navigação entre Portugal e o Sião assinado a 10 de Fev. de 1859. 371 Doc. 1245: Relatorio da missão extraordinaria ao reino de Sião em 1859 realizada pelo governador de Macau, Izidoro Francisco Guimaraes. Includes index. |
ISBN | 9723501457 |
LCCN | 96-179150 |
Author | Schütte, Josef Franz |
Place | Roma |
Publisher | Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu |
Collection | Rouleau Archives |
Language | German |
Type | Extract/Offprint |
Shelf | File Cabinet A |
Call Number | BV2290.J3 S3572 1961 |
Description | p. [90]-124 : ill. ; 24 cm. |
Note | Wiederentdeckung des Makao-Archivs : wichtige bestände des alten Fernost-Archivs der Jesuiten, heute in Madrid / Josef Franz Schütte. "Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu extractum e vol. xxx-1961." Summary in Latin. |