Author | Castner, Kaspar 龐嘉賓, 1665-1709 |
Place | Tenri 天理 |
Publisher | Tenri Toshokan 天理圖書館 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Latin |
Type | Book (stitch-bound 線裝本), Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Classica Japonica: facsimile series in the Tenri Central Library : Section 11 : Varia III ; 3 |
Shelf | Digital Archives, Rare Book Cabinet |
Call Number | BX4700.F8 C32 1700r |
Description | 32 double leaves : 2 maps, plans ; 23 cm. |
Note | Relatio sepulturae magno Orientis apostolo S. Francisco Xaverio erectae in Insula Sanciano anno saeculari MDCC. Local access dig. file [Relatio Sepvltvrae.pdf] "RELATIO SEPVLTVRAE MAGNO ORIENTIS APOSTOLO S. FRANCISCO XAUERIO ERECTAE IN INSULA SANCIANO ANNO SECULARI 1700. Peking 1700" See Albert Chan, S.J., on the Jap-Sin editions of the Relatio sepulturae References: Cf. Cordier, Bibliotheca Sinica, 1102-1103 ; Sommervogel, 2:853 "St. Francis Xavier, the first Jesuit to go to the Far East, died on the island of Shangchuan off the coast of China on 2 December 1552. Several months later his remains were brought to Malacca and then to Goa. From the beginning, the place of his burial on Shangchuan has been marked and venerated. In 1700 a special monument was erected over this place. The story of the construction and a description of the monument are contained in a small volume published the same year by the Jesuit Gaspar Castner. The work, one of the few European books published as a xylograph at that time, has been made available in a facsimile reprint edition issued by the Tenri Central Library, Japan, in 1977. LC name authority usage: Castner, Gaspar,1665-1709. Editions: 1. Relatio sepulturae magno Orientis apostolo S. Francisco Xaverio erectae in insula Sanciano anno saeculari MDCC. 2. Relatio sepulturae magno Orientis apostolo S. Francisco Xaverio erectae in Insula Sanciano anno saeculari MDCC. JapSin II, 171 The cover bears a Latin inscription: “Ro Pri Thyrso Gonzalez | Generali Prepto Societis Jesu | Carolus Turcotty.” At that time Carlo Giovanni Turcotti (Du Jialu 都加祿, zi 天受, 1643–1706) was visitator and this copy was presented to the General of the Society. St. Francis Xavier came to the East in 1542. He died on Shangchuan Island 上川島 while making an attempt to enter China in the year 1552 (Jiajing 32). The following year a Portuguese merchant brought his remains to Goa. In 1640 the Jesuits of Macao erected a stone monument on the place where the body of the Saint had been buried. This roused the curiosity of the people of the nearby village who thought the Portuguese had hidden some treasure under the monument and they having dug up the place were disappointed to find nothing in it. In 1688, when Filippo-Felice Carrocci (Luo Feili 羅斐理, 1646–1695), seeking shelter from a storm, came to Shangchuan Island, he had the opportunity to re-erect the monument which had been found among the ruins. On 6 October 1698, a French merchantman, the Amphitrite, encountered a violent typhoon at Shangchuan Island. The safety of the ship was attributed to the invocation of St. Francis Xavier and in gratitude the crew contributed to build a church over the grave of the saint. In 1700, Turcotti and Giovanni Laureati (Li Guo’an 利國安, zi 若望, 1666–1727) strove for a mission house near the church. Cf. Pfister, pp. 5–7 (St. François Xavier), pp. 394–395 (Mgr. Charles Turcotti), p. 414 (Philippe-Félix Carossi), pp. 486–488 (Gaspard Kastner), pp. 488–490 (Jean Laureati); Documenta Indica, vol. III, pp. 663–665; AHSI 34 (1965), p. 76; Jap-Sin 167, ff. 234–235v (Epist. P. Turcotti ad Gen. S.J., P. González Thyrso, Canton, 1.1.1700), ff. 279–280 (Epist. P. Turcotti ad P. Fran. Noel, Canton, 13.6.1700); Cordier, pp. 12–15; Cordier, BS 2:1102–1104; Paul Pelliot, “La Brevis Relatio,” T’oung Pao 23 (1924), p. 359, n. 1. JapSin II, 171 D Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives, pp. 462-463. |
LCCN | 79-387646 |
Author | Teixeira, Manuel 文德泉, 1912-2003 |
Place | Macau 澳門 |
Publisher | Imprensa Nacional |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Language | Portuguese |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | BX4700.F8 T459 1941 |
Description | 3 p. l., 9-102 p. : plates ; 24 cm. |
Note | Sanchoão : morte de S. Francisco Xavier, peregrinações ao seu sepulcro / Pe. Manuel Teixeira. Centenarios da fundação e da restauração, 1940, Macau. "Da presente obra se tiraram 450 exemplares em papel vulgar." Includes bibliographical references. |
ISBN | 41027773 |