Subject: Religion and science--History

Après Galilée : science et foi : nouveau dialogue
AuthorPoupard, Paul
PublisherDesclée de Brouwer
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberQ125.2.A67 1994
Description265 p. ; 23 cm.
Note“sous la direction de Paul Poupard”
Includes bibliographical references.

Jesuit science and the republic of letters
AuthorFeingold, Mordechai
PlaceCambridge, MA
PublisherMIT Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesTransformations (M.I.T. Press)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBL240.3.J47 2003d
Descriptionpdf. [xi, 483 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Jesuit science and the republic of letters / edited by Mordechai Feingold.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Jesuits / Mordechai Feingold -- The Academy of Mathematics of the Collegio Romano from 1553 to 1612 / Ugo Baldini -- Galileo's Jesuit connections and their influence on his science / William A. Wallace -- The partial transformation of medieval cosmology by Jesuits in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Edward Grant -- Descartes and the Jesuits / Roger Ariew -- Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the science of his time / Alfredo Dinis -- Scientific spectacle in baroque Rome / Paula Findlen -- Pious ambition / Martha Baldwin -- Tradition and scientific change in early modern Spain / Víctor Navarro -- Jesuit science in the Spanish Netherlands / G.H.W. Vanpaemel -- The Storia Letteraria D'Italia and the rehabilitation of Jesuit science / Brendan Dooley.

Local access dig.pdf. [Feingold-Jesuit science and the republic of letters.pdf]

OCLC note: Founded in 1540, the Society of Jesus was viewed for centuries as an impediment to the development of modern science. The Jesuit educational system was deemed conservative and antithetical to creative thought, while the Order and its members were blamed by Galileo, Descartes, and their disciples for virtually every proceeding against the new science. No wonder a consensus emerged that little reason existed for historians to take Jesuit science seriously.Only during the past two decades have scholars begun to question this received view of the Jesuit role in the Scientific Revolution, and this book contributes significantly to that reassessment. Focusing on the institutional setting of Jesuit science, the contributors take a new and broader look at the overall intellectual environment of the Collegio Romano and other Jesuit colleges to see how Jesuit scholars taught and worked, to examine the context of the Jesuit response to the new philosophies, and to chart the Jesuits' scientific contributions. Their conclusions indicate that Jesuit practitioners were indeed instrumental in elevating the status of mathematics and in stressing the importance of experimental science; yet, at the same time, the Jesuits were members of a religious order with a clearly defined apostolic mission. Understanding both the contributions of Jesuit practitioners and the constraints under which they worked helps us to gain a clearer and more complete perspective on the emergence of the scientific worldview

The desecularisation of science = Kexue de tuosu yanbian 科學的脫俗演變
AuthorCai Bingzheng 蔡秉正Hodgson, P. E. (Peter Edward) 何哲遜
PlaceHong Kong 香港
PublisherShengming yiyi chubanshe 生命意義出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberBL245.H6412 1991
Description44 pages ; 19 cm

The desecularisation of science = Kexue de tuosu yanbian 科學的脫俗演變  / Peter Hodgson 何哲遜著 ; translated by Ignatius Tsai [Cai Bingzheng] 蔡秉正譯.

Parallel text in English and Chinese.
Includes bibliographical references.

"This publication is translated from a chapter of a book After the Deluge edited by W. Oddie and published by the S.P.C.K...."

Zongjiao yu xiandai kexue de xingqi 宗教與現代科學的興起. [Religion and the rise of modern science. Chinese]
AuthorHooykaas, R. (Reijer), 1906-1994Qian Futing 錢福庭Qiu Zhonghui 丘仲輝Xu Liemin 許列民
PlaceChengdu 成都
PublisherSichuan renmin chubanshe 四川人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZongjiao yu shijie congshu 宗教與世界叢書
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBL245.H6312 1991
Description3, 6, 4, 212 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteZongjiao yu xiandai kexue de xingqi 宗教與現代科學的興起 / R. Huoyinka zhu 霍尹卡著 ; Qian Futing, Qiu Zhonghui, Xu Liemin yi 錢福庭, 丘仲輝, 許列民譯 ; Qiu Zhonghui jiao 丘仲輝教.
Translation of: Religion and the rise of modern science. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1972.
Includes bibliographical references and index. Cover and colophon title also in English.