Subject: Asia, Central--Description and travel--19th century

Innermost Asia : travel & sport in the Pamirs
AuthorCobbold, Ralph Patteson [Sawle, Ralph Patteson], 1869-1965
PublisherW. Heinemann
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Call NumberDS8.I663 C722 1900
Descriptionxviii, 354 p., ℓ of plates : ill., ports., maps ; 24 cm.
NoteInnermost Asia : travel & sport in the Pamirs / by Ralph P. Cobbold.
"Bibliography of innermost Asia": p. [346].
Includes index.
Scientific results of a journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902
AuthorHedin, Sven Anders, 1865-1952Dahlgren, E. W.(Erik Wilhelm), 1848-1934Lagrelius, A. (Axel), 1863-1944Olsson, Karl Gustaf, b. 1862
PublisherLithographic Institute of the General staff of the Swedish army [K. Boktryckeriet, P.A. Norstedt, etc.]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, German, French
Call NumberQ115.H45 1904
Description6 v. : ill., maps. ; 32 x 25 cm.[Lib. has v. 5:2 only]
NoteEdited by E.W. Dahlgren and Axel Lagrelius.
Atlas issued in three parts.
Published with funds granted by Swedish parliament.

vol. I. The Tarim River, by Sven Hedin [1904]--vol. II. Lop-Nor, by Sven Hedin [1905]--vol. III. North and East Tibet, by Sven Hedin [1905]--vol. IV. Central and West Tibet, by Sven Hedin [1907]--vol. V, pt. I. Meteorologie, von Nils Ekholm: a. Die beobachtungen 1894-1897 und 1899-1902 [1905] b. Die bearbeitung der beobachtungen 1894-1897 und 1899-1902 [1907]--vol. V, pt. II. Les observations astronomiques calculées et rédigées par K. G. Olsson [1907]--vol. VI, pt. I. Zoologie, von Wilhelm Leche [1904] pt. II. Geology, by Helge Bäckström and Harald Johansson [1907] pt. III. Racial types from western and central Asia drawn by Sven Hedin [1907].

Library has v.5, pt.2 only

Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China, 1844-1846
AuthorPelliot, Paul 伯希和, 1878-1945Huc, Evariste Régis, 1813-1860Hazlitt, William, 1811-1893Gabet, Joseph, 1808-1853
PlaceNew York
PublisherHarper & Bros.
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesThe Broadway travellers
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS709.H85 1928
Description2 v. : maps ; 23 cm.
NoteTravels in Tartary, Thibet and China, 1844-1846 / [Abbé Huc] ; translated by William Hazlitt, now edited with an introduction by Paul Pelliot.