Subject: China--History--Self strengthening movement, 1861-1895--Sources

China's response to the West : a documentary survey, 1839-1923
AuthorFairbank, John King, 1907-1991Teng Ssu-yū 鄧嗣禹, b. 1906
PlaceNew York
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionCollege ed.
SeriesAtheneum paperbacks ; 44
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS740.2.T4 1970
Descriptionxii, 296 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteChina's response to the West : a documentary survey, 1839-1923 / Ssu-yü Teng, John K. Fairbank, with E-tu Zen Sun, Chaoying Fang and others.
"Originally prepared in cooperation with the International Secretariat of the Institute of Pacific Relations" and published by Harvard University Press in 1954.
China's response to the West : a documentary survey, 1839-1923
AuthorFairbank, John King, 1907-1991Teng Ssu-yū 鄧嗣禹, b. 1906
PlaceCambridge, Mass.
PublisherHarvard University Press
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberDS740.2.T43 1979
Descriptionxii, 296 p. ; 25 cm

China's response to the West : a documentary survey, 1839-1923 / Ssu-yü Teng, John K. Fairbank, with E-tu Zen Sun, Chaoying Fang, and others.
"With a new preface"
Bibliography p.279-281.
Includes index.

ISBN0674120256; 9780674120259
Japanese perspectives on China's early modernization : the self-strengthening movement, 1860-1895 : a bibliographical survey
AuthorKim, K.H. [Kwan Ho] 金基赫, 1936-
PlaceAnn Arbor
PublisherCenter for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesMichigan abstracts of Chinese and Japanese works on Chinese history ; no. 4
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberZ3108.A4 K44 1974
Descriptionii, 129 pages ; 23 cm.
NoteJapanese perspectives on China's early modernization : the self-strengthening movement, 1860-1895 : a bibliographical survey / by K.H. Kim.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 113-122).