Subject: Jesuits--China--Beiing 北京--Anecdotes

Notes on the Jesuits in China = Об Езуитах в Китае [Ob Yezuitakh v Kitaye. English & Russian]
AuthorAfinogenov, GregorySmorzhevskii, Feodosii (Theodosius) [Сморжевский Феодосий], ca.1712-1758
PlaceChestnut Hill, MA
PublisherInstitute of Jesuit Sources
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Russian-English
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesSources for the history of Jesuit missions ; no. 2
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.S67 A5 2016 + dig.pdf.
Description116 p. ; 24 cm.

Notes on the Jesuits in China = Об Езуитах в Китае / Hieromonk Feodosii Smorzhevskii = Иеромонах Феодосий Сморжевский ; translated and edited by Gregory Afinogenov.
Translated text facing pages in Cyrillic and English.
Includes bibliography (p.105-107) and index.

"The legendary Jesuit mission in China has been the subject of controversy for centuries. In the 1740s, the Russian hieromonk Feodosii Smorzhevskii encountered it firsthand. Published in English for the first time, this unique text marks the encounter between Russian Orthodox and Catholic missionaries in Beijing as each tried to navigate the labyrinthine world of the Qing imperial court. By turns critical and sympathetic, skeptical and conspiratorial, Smorzhevskii’s account is one of the only reports by an outside observer on the daily life and political tensions surrounding the eighteenth-century China Jesuit missionary enterprise."--p.[4] of cover.

Local access dig.pdf. [Afinogenov-Notes on Jesuits in China.pdf] (camera scan, searchable in Russian/English)

ISBN0997282320 ; 9780997282320
Yanpu zaji 簷曝雜記
AuthorZhao Yi 趙翼, 1727-1814Yao Yuanzhi 姚元之, 1773-1852. Zhuyeting zaji 竹葉亭雜記. 1982
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesQingdai shiliao biji congkan 清代史料筆記叢刊
Call NumberDS754.13.C42 1982
Description131, 184, [12] p. ; 19 cm
NoteYanpu zaji 簷曝雜記 / Zhao Yi zhuan 趙翼撰. Zhuyeting zaji 竹葉亭雜記 / Yao Yuanzhi zhuan 姚元之撰.
Yanpu zaji 簷曝雜記
AuthorZhao Yi 趙翼, 1727-1814
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Zhonghua shuju 臺灣中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberDS754.Y267 Z417 1957
Description4, 4, 101 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteYanpu zaji 簷曝雜記 : [6卷] / Zhao Yi zhu 趙翼著.
民國46 [1957].