Subject: Administrative law--China--Song dynasty, 960-1279--Sources

Song da zhaoling ji 宋大詔令集
AuthorSong Shou 宋綬, 991-1040Song Minqiu 宋敏求, 1019-1079
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS751.A57 1962
Description5, 88, 946, 118 p. 27 cm
NoteSong da zhaoling ji 宋大詔令集 [240卷].
Song da zhaoling ji jiaoji 宋大詔令集校記: p. 1-118 (4th group).
Compilation attributed to Song Shou 宋綬 and Song Minqiu 宋敏求.
OCLC note: Attributed to Song Shou's sons; work done during Song dynasty Shaoxing reign; covers Northern Song period from Song Taizu Jianlong to Song Huizong Xuanhe.
"Song da zhaoling ji 宋大詔令集 (Collected edicts of the Song), compiled 1132-62; Out of the original 240 juan, 196 survive. They contain over 3,800 edicts of the Northern Song emperors, many of which are not to be found elsewhere." -- Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 851.