Subject: Cortes, Adriano de las, 1578-1629--Travel--China

The journey to China in 1625. [Journey to China 1625 and beyond. Relación del padre Adriano de las Cortes del viaje naufragio en Chaucheo de la Gran China. English]
AuthorMcDermott, Joseph PeterCortes, Adriano de las, 1578-1629Asociación Cultural El Patiaz Macfarlane, AlanWang ZilanLi Yue Marschner, ChloeMoncó Rebollo, BeatrizBlanco, IraidaAries, EliezerNieto, Javier A.
PlaceCambridge, United Kingdom
PublisherCam Rivers Publishing
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionFirst English edition
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberDS708.C6713 2022
Description532 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

The journey to China in 1625 /  P. Adriano de las Cortes (S.J.) ; general editor, professor Alan Macfarlane ; editors, Zilan Wang, Yue Li, Chloe Marschner ; introduction and afterword by Joseph P. McDermott ; Spanish original translation and advisor, Dr Beatriz Moncó ; translated into English by Iraida Blanco and Eliezer Aries, with the help of Javier Á. Nieto ; translation funded by El Patiaz Cultural Association.

Includes bibliographical references (p.525-528).

Cover titles: Journey to China 1625 and beyond.


ISBN9781912603596 : 1912603594