Author | Song Gang 宋剛 |
Place | Hong Kong 香港 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan Xianggang fenguan 商务印書館香港分館 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese, English |
Type | Book (Conference Proceedings) |
Series | |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | Z462.S665 2024 |
Description | ix, [2], 316 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. |
Note | Yangzi yu Huawen : jindai Xianggang yu Shanghai de Xishu Zhongyi he chuban 洋字與華文 : 近代香港與上海的西書中譯和出版 = Chinese translations and publications of Western books in Hong Kong and Shanghai in the modern era / Song Gang zhubian 宋剛主編. Papers based on INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: Chinese Translations and Publications of Western Books in Hong Kong and Shanghai in the Early Modern Period (Hong Kong: May 27-28, 2023). Includes bibligraphical references. Gift of the editor, Prof. Song Gang (7-10-2024) 前言 文章概要 一、譯者與譯作 格譯致學 :伍光建著譯新論 / 鄒振環 「林君之口,蔡君之手j :清末譯史上的華人筆述者蔡爾康 / 楊華波 二、傳教士與西學傳譯 Opening Up the Well of Reason: Li Wenyu's Religious and Academic Writings for the Jesuit Imprimerie de T'ou-se-we / Joachim Kurtz 譯傳正道:巴黎外方傳教會在近代香港的聖經漢譯與出版 / 宋剛 李提摩太等漢譯蒲柏《天倫詩》中的自然神學和理學 / 姚達兑 三、科技翻譯與傳播 《暎咭脷國新出種痘奇書》的版本、藏本與收藏者 / 高晞 十九世紀晚期西洋氣象儀器書籍在東亞的譯研—-以傅蘭雅、江衡合譯《測候器》(或作《測候諸器說》)及保田久成譯《氣象觀測法》為例 / 馮錦榮 Zhu Kezhen and Paratextual Translations in Meteorological Texts in the Early 2Oth Century / Iwo Amelung 四、出版社及出版物 Mastering Rhetoric and Linguistic Frontiers: Jesuit Strategies in the Semi-Colonial Context of Modern Shanghai / Mo Wei 胡適與商務印書館的”世界叢書” / 張仲民 Transnational Book Markets, the Export of Translated Books, and the Sinicization of Foreign Knowledge / Robert Culp 五、翻譯的跨域傳播 西學東漸的另一條渠道:近代日本漢文譯著《西洋史記》的在華傳播 / 陳力衞 意大利建國英雄傳記的跨文化流動 :從明治日本到晚清中國 / 崔文東 About the Symposium 研討會主旨: Since the late Qing time, Hong Kong and Shanghai have been recognized as two leading centers for Chinese translations and publications of Western books. The translated works covered a wide range of thematic categories, and many of them exerted significant impacts on China’s transition from an imperial society to a modern nation. Though extensive research has been done in the past decades, some key concerns remain largely underexplored. They include, for example, the diverse modes and techniques of translation, the roles of Chinese scholars in the translation process, the exchanges of Chinese and Western knowledge systems and cultural practices, the printing and circulation of the translated works, and the overlaps and competitions between Hong Kong and Shanghai in publishing Chinese translations of Western books, etc. This symposium is therefore aimed to provide a platform for scholars to engage more advanced studies and better digest the publishing boom that took place simultaneously at these two cities in early modern Chinese history.
自晚清時期起,香港與上海就被視為西書中譯和出版的主要中心。來自兩地的譯著涵蓋多個領域,其中不少書籍對中國社會從傳統向現代轉型產生了重要影響。儘管此前學界已取得了豐碩的研究成果,某些重要議題仍有待進一步的考察,包括多樣化的翻譯模式與方法、中國學者在譯書過程中的角色、中西知識體系及文化傳統的調適、書籍印刷和流通,及港、滬之間譯書出版的聯通與競爭等。有鑑於此,本次會議將為學者提供深度交流的平台,以更好地理解和評價近代香港與上海譯書出版事業的歷史發展進程。 |
ISBN | 978-962-07-6737-1 |