Subject: China--Civilization--960-1644

Culture and conquest in Mongol Eurasia
AuthorAllsen, Thomas T.
PlaceCambridge, Eng.
PublisherCambridge University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesCambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS740.5.I7 A45 2001d
Descriptionpdf. [xiii, 245 pages]
NoteCulture and conquest in Mongol Eurasia / Thomas T. Allsen.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 212-237) and index.

"In the thirteenth century the Mongols created a vast transcontinental empire that functioned as a cultural "clearing house" for the Old World. Under Mongol auspices various commodities, ideologies, and technologies were disseminated and displayed across Eurasia. The focus of this path-breaking study is the extensive exchanges between Iran and China. The Mongol rulers of these two ancient civilizations "shared" the cultural resources of their realms with one another. The result was lively traffic in specialist personnel and scholarly literature between East and West. These exchanges ranged from cartography to printing, and from agriculture to astronomy. Unexpectedly, the principal conduit of this transmission was an obscure Mongol tribesman, Bolad Aqa, who first served Chinggisid rulers of China and was then posted to Iran where he entered into a close and productive collaboration with the famed Persian statesman and historian. Rashid al-Din. The conclusion of the work examines why the Mongols made such heavy use of sedentary scholars and specialists in the elaboration of their court culture and why they initiated so many exchanges across Eurasia. The book is informative and erudite. It crosses new scholarly boundaries in its analysis of communication and culture in the Mongol Empire and promises to become a classic in the field."--Jacket.

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ISBN0511017820 ; 9780511017827
Jinshi Zhongguo zhi chuantong yu tuibian : Liu Guangjing yuanshi qishiwusui zhushou lunwen ji 近世中國之傳統與蛻變 : 劉廣京院士七十五歲祝壽論文集. Tradition and metamorphosis in modern Chinese history : essays in honor of Professor Kwang-Ching Liu's seventy-fifth birthday
AuthorLiu, Kwang-Ching, [Liu Guangjing 劉廣京], 1921-2006Hao Yen-p'ing [Hao Yanping 郝延平], 1934-Wei Xiumei 魏秀梅
PlaceTaibei Xian Nangang Zhen 臺北縣南港鎮
PublisherZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo 中央研究院近代史研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese, English
TypeBook (Festschrift)
SeriesZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo tekan 中央硏究院近代史硏究所特刋 ; 5
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS750.72.J565 1998
Description2 v. (ii, 4, 1345 p.) : ill., map, col. ports. ; 25 cm.
NoteJinshi Zhongguo zhi chuantong yu tuibian : Liu Guangjing yuanshi qishiwusui zhushou lunwen ji 近世中國之傳統與蛻變 : 劉廣京院士七十五歲祝壽論文集 / Hao Yanping, Wei Xiumei zhubian 郝延平, 魏秀梅主編.
Title also in English: Tradition and metamorphosis in modern Chinese history : essays in honor of Professor Kwang-Ching Liu's seventy-fifth birthday.
Vol. 1 in Chinese, vol. 2 (chiefly) in English.
"劉廣京先生履歷及著作表": p. [1333]-1345.
民國87 [1998]
ISBN9576715881 ; 9789576715884
Ming-Qing wenhuashi sanlun 明清文化史散論
AuthorFeng Tianyu 馮天瑜, 1942-
PlaceWuchang 武昌
PublisherHuazhong gongxueyuan chubanshe 華中工學院出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS750.72.F46 1984
Description3, 390 p. : ill. ; 20 cm
NoteMing-Qing wenhuashi sanlun 明淸文化史散論 / Feng Tianyu zhu 馮天瑜著.
Includes bibliographical references.
Shuidong riji 水東日記
AuthorYe Sheng 葉盛, 1420-1474
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongguo shixue congshu 中國史學叢書 ; 25
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberDS753Y417 1965
Description2 v. (2, 992 p.) ; 21 cm.
NoteShuidong riji 水東日記 / Ye Sheng zhuan 葉盛撰.
Yingyin guoli Taiwan daxue cang Cishulou Kangxi jian kanben 影印國立臺灣大學藏賜書樓康熙間刊本. Reprint of: Cishulou 賜書樓 ed. (1680).
References: Franke, W. An introduction to the sources of Ming history, p. 101. ; Wilikinson, E., Chinese history, a manual, p. 887.
What the emperor built : architecture and empire in the early Ming
AuthorCampbell, Aurelia
PublisherUniversity of Washington Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberNA1543.5.C36 2020
Descriptionpdf. [xiii, 217 p. : ill., maps (some color) ; 27 cm.

What the emperor built : architecture and empire in the early Ming /  Aurelia Campbell.

"The Yongle emperor (r. 1402-24), one of the most famous rulers in Chinese history, is perhaps best known as the builder of Beijing's magnificent Forbidden City and for reconstruction of the Grand Canal. This volume is both the first book-length study in a Western language of Ming dynasty (1368-1644) architecture and the first in any language devoted to the architectural projects of a single Chinese emperor. Focusing on Yongle's imperial palaces in Beijing, a Daoist architectural complex on Mount Wudang, and a Buddhist temple at the Sino-Tibetan frontier, it analyzes his empire-wide construction projects and demonstrates how the siting, design, and use of his palaces and temples established his authority and contributed to the legitimization of his usurpation of power. These architectural projects help us understand his sense of empire by the far-flung locations in which he built, the distant regions from which he extracted the construction materials, and the use of tens of thousands of craftsmen and other laborers. Through his constructions, Yongle connected himself to the divine, interacted with his subjects, established an imperial presence in regions far outside the capital, and shaped his imperial legacy-thus extending imperial influence across space and time. Spanning issues of architectural design and also of construction technologies, this analysis reveals the remarkable advancements in timber-frame construction as well as using an art-historical approach to examine patronage, audience, and reception, and to situate the buildings within their larger social, historical, and religious contexts"-- ǂc Provided by publisher.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Perfecting the past : the design and construction of the Northern Capital -- Great pillars of state : the rise and fall of monumental nanmu halls -- Becoming Zhenwu : the imperial turn at Mount Wudang -- From mandala to palace : transforming space and site at Gautama Monastery -- Conclusion : architecture as empire.

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ISBN0295746882 ; 9780295746890