Subject: Civil service--China--History--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Sources

Zhusi zhizhang 諸司職掌. Xuanlantang congshu 玄覽堂叢書
AuthorZhai Shan 翟善, 14th cent.
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherGuoli zhongyang tushuguan 國立中央圖書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesXuanlantang congshu 玄覽堂叢書. Chuji 初輯 ; 12-13, Xuanlantang congshu 玄覽堂叢書 ; 012-013
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS753.X92 1981 v.12-13
Description2 v. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Note10卷 : Ming kanben 明刊本.
Reprint. Previously published: Shanghai : Xuanlanjushi 玄覽居士, 1940. (Xuanlantang congshu 玄覽堂叢書)

"Zhusi zhizhang 諸司職掌 (1393)--compiled under imperial order by Zhai Shan 翟善 (Hongwu period). Statutes for the organization of the central government divided into the Six Ministries, the Censorate, Office of Transmission (Tongzhengsi 通政司), Grand Court of Revision (Dalisi 大理寺) and the Five Chief Military Commissions (Wujun dudufu 五軍都督府). This work was superceded by the Da Ming huidian but it is the principal source for the government structure in the early Ming period after the abolition of the Central Secretariat (Zhongshusheng 中書省) in 1380. Contained in Huang Ming zhishu 皇明制書 --Cf. Franke, W. An introduction to the sources of Ming history,. p. 178 (6.1.1)
