Subject: Women and religion--China--Congresses

contribution of Chinese women to the Church : [Proceedings of the Conference I have called you by name]
AuthorAdamek, Piotr 顧孝永Huang, Sonja Mei Tin 黃美婷I Have Called You by Name (Conference : 2014 : Sankt Augustin, Germany)
PublisherFranz Schmitt Verlag
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesStudia Instituti Missiologici Societatis Verbi Divini ; nr. 115
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR1285.C668 2014
Description278 pages ; 24 cm.
NoteThe contribution of Chinese women to the Church : proceedings of the Conference "I have called you by name," September 25-26, 2014, Sankt Augustin (Germany) / Piotr Adamek, SVD, Sonja Huang Mei Tin (eds.).
Jointly published by Steyler Missionswissenschaftliches Institut, Moumenta Serica (Sankt Augustin, Germany), and Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center (Taipei), together with China-Zentrum (Sankt Augustin, Germany).
Abstracts in English and Chinese.
Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction -- ANA CRISTINA VILLA BETANCOURT: Women in the Church: The Perspective of Mulieris Dignitatem -- GAIL KING: Candida Xu (1607–1680), Chinese Christian Woman of Faith -- CLAUDIA VON COLLANI: Christian Heroines in China: Expectations, Images, and Examples -- SONJA HUANG MEI TIN 黃渼婷: Chinese Women at Court and in the Church -- LI JI 李紀: “Little Flowers”: Chinese Christian Women in Northeast China -- KANG ZHIJIE 康志杰: They Are Brilliant Lilies: Special Characteristics of the Work of Chinese Catholic Virgins -- R. G. TIEDEMANN: Chinese Female Propagators of the Faith in Modern China: The Tortuous Transition from the “Institute of Virgins” to Diocesan Religious Congregations -- FREDRIK FÄLLMAN: “Two Small Copper Coins” and Much More: Chinese Protestant Women and Their Contributions to the Church-Cases from Past and Present -- TANG YAOGUANG 唐耀光: The Challenges and Response of the Catholic Church in China during the Late 19th and First Half of the 20th Century: Xu Zongze’s Views on Women -- KWONG LAI KUEN 鄺麗娟: Progressing toward a Spirituality of Chinese Women in the Holy Spirit-A Spirituality of the Holy Spirit: An Exploration of Female Spirituality in the Holy Spirit -- PIOTR ADAMEK, SVD: “Unworthy to Be Quoted among the Believers-Worthy to Be Quoted among the Martyrs”: Women in the Orthodox Church in China -- KATRIN FIEDLER: Invisible and Invincible: Changing Female Roles in the Chinese Protestant Church and Their Perceptions -- Notes on contributors.


The history of Christianity in China provides very limited material about women playing a significant role in the Church. However, both in the past as in the present Chinese female Christians had and have an important or even crucial impact on the life of the Church, even if their role was commonly undervalued in reports and neglected in the research. Thus, many women in the Church in China have often remained nameless.

While in the West the vital role of women in the Church has been slowly recognized, in China, however, this is not yet the case. Due to the specificity of its history and society, the significance of Christian women has been overlooked and underappreciated. The names of Chinese women who are significant in the history of the Church are hardly known to the majority of the Chinese believers.

Many questions regarding the research on the impact of Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox women on the Church in China still remain unanswered. A systematic study of the historical sources and extensive field research are both desiderata in this area. Through the publication of research presented at the international workshop “I Have Called You by Name. Contribution of Chinese Women to the Church” in September 25-26, 2014 in Sankt Augustin (Germany), we hope to carry the urgency of such research more clearly into the academic world.-- p. [4] of cover.

ISBN9783877105535 ; 387710553X