Subject: Bible--Translating--Case studies

Principles of Chinese Bible translation : as expressed in five selected versions of the New Testament and exemplified by Mt 5:1-12 and Col 1. [Bible. Colossians, I. Matthew, V, 1-12. Chinese. 1987]
AuthorStrandenaes, Thor
PublisherAlmqvist & Wiksell
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese, Greek
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesConiectanea biblica. New Testament series ; 19
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBS2316.S8 1987
Descriptionpdf [166 pages ; 24 cm.]
NotePrinciples of Chinese Bible translation : as expressed in five selected versions of the New Testament and exemplified by Mt 5:1-12 and Col 1 / Thor Strandenaes.
Doctoral--(Uppsala 1987)
Includes texts of Col. 1 and Matt. 5:1-12 in Chinese.
Abstract (t.p. verso) -- [Different Chinese versions of Mt 5:1-12 and Col 1 appended].
Includes bibliographical references (pages 148-154) and index.

Local access dig.pdf. [Strandenaes-Chinese Bible Translation.pdf]
Physical copy Gleeson Library.

ISBN9122009930 ; 9789122009931