Subject: Criminal law--China-- Republican era, 1911-1949

Shanghai : its mixed court and council
AuthorKotenev, Anatol M.
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherNorth-China Daily News & Herald, Limited
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJS7365.S5 K59 1925
Descriptionxxvi p., 1 leaf, 588 p., 1 leaf ; 26 cm
NoteExtended title on recto of title page: Shanghai : its Mixed court and Council : material relating to the history of the Shanghai Municipal council and the history, practice and statistics of the International mixed court : Chinese modern law and Shanghai municipal land regulations and bye-laws governing the life in the settlement / by A.M. Kotenev.
Zhonghua Minguo xingfa 中華民國刑法 (二十四年一月一日公布) = Code pénal de la République chinoise. [China. Xingfa 刑法 (1935). French & Chinese]
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherUniversité l'Aurore, Hautes Études
CollectionRicci Institute Library [AM]
SeriesLe droit chinois moderne ; no. 21
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberKNN3794.3 1935 .A52 1935f
Description99, 99, 10 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteZhonghua Minguo xingfa 中華民國刑法 (二十四年一月一日公布) = Code pénal de la République chinoise (promulgué le 1er janvier de la 24e année – 1935)
"texte chinois accompagné d'une traduction française / par C.M. Ricard et Me. Ph. Kou Cheou-hi.
Paged in duplicate. Chinese and French on opposite pages.
"Ex Libris Alphonse Maillet, Shanghai, July 1944" [collection uniformly bound]
Includes tipped in handwritten notes.
OCLC #'s #24689172 & 56995653.
Includes index.
Zhonghua Minguo xingshi susong fa 中華民國刑事訴訟法 = Code de procédure pénale de la République chinoise. [China. Xingshi susong fa 刑事訴訟法. French & Chinese]
AuthorLeblanc, P.C.
PlaceTientsin 天津
PublisherHautes Études
CollectionRicci Institute Library [AM]
SeriesLe droit chinois moderne ; no. 23
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberKNN4604.3 1935 .A52 1935
Description114, 114, 12 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteZhonghua Minguo xingshi susong fa 中華民國刑事訴訟法 = Code de procédure pénale de la République chinoise : texte chinois accompagné d'une traduction française / par le Bureau de traductions des services de police de la concession française de Shanghai ; sous la direction de P.C. Leblanc.
French and Chinese on opposite page, with duplicate numberings.
Includes index.
"Ex Libris Alphonse Maillet, Shanghai, décembre 1939” [collection uniformly bound].