Subject: China--History--17th century

Putaoya Yesuhuishi He Dahua zai Zhongguo 葡萄牙耶穌會士何大化在中國 = Portuguese Jesuit António de Gouvea and China
AuthorDong Shaoxin 董少新Gouvea, António de 何大化, 1592-1677
PlaceAomen 澳門
PublisherAomen tebie xingzhengqu zhengfu wenhuaju 澳門特別行政區政府文化局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesAomen wenhua congshu 澳門文化叢書 (2013)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3427.G87 D66 2017
Description4, 1, 256 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
NotePutaoya Yesuhuishi He Dahua zai Zhongguo 葡萄牙耶穌會士何大化在中國 = Portuguese Jesuit António de Gouvea and China / Dong Shaoxin zhu.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 238-253)
Cover and t.p. title also in English.

第一章 東邁
第二章 入華
第三章 武昌
第四章 福州
第五章 歷獄
第六章 著述

葡萄牙耶穌會士何大化(António de Gouvea, 1592-1677)約於1630年來華,在中國傳教47年,足跡達澳門、杭州、上海、武昌、福州、北京、廣州等地,創建耶穌會武昌住院(1638-1643),後接替意大利耶穌會士艾儒略(Giulio Aleni, 1582-1649)負責耶穌會福州住院20餘年;康熙歷獄期間,與其他傳教士一同被軟禁於廣州,期間曾一度被任命為耶穌會中國副生會長,並參與到有關中國禮儀問題的爭論之中;歷獄結束後,他於1672年重返福州,五年後去世,葬於福州城外十字山。


但是何大化的在華經歷絕非乏善可陳。他編纂過8份耶穌會中國年信(1636,1643-1649),著作有《遠方亞洲》(兩卷,1644)和《中國分期史》,均為葡萄牙文。所以,何大化在中西文化交流史上更多的是扮演“中學西傳”的角色,將大量中國的信息介紹給歐洲。遺憾的是,這些作品均未出版過,其影響也遠不及衛匡國(Martino Martini, 1614-1661)的《韃靼戰紀》、《中國上古史》、《中國輿圖新志》,也不及其同胞曾德昭(Alvaro Semedo, 1585-1658)的《大中國志》。但何大化的作品並非全無影響,即使是他的論爭對手西班牙多明我會士閔明我(Domingos Navarrete, 1618-1686)也承認,其著作中有關中國歷史的內容參考了何大化的著作。何大化憑藉他的兩部著作,奠定了來華耶穌會士史家的地位。

何大化是少數幾位完整經歷明清鼎革的西方傳教士,對在戰亂中維繫中國天主教的延續發揮了重要作業。就這一點而言,何大化在中國天主教史上理應有一席之地。 1637年,來華不久的何大化奉傅汎際(Francisco Furtado, 1585-1653)之命前往湖廣開教,後因張獻忠農民軍攻陷武昌,其所建立的湖廣傳教駐地荒廢,他本人則在艾儒略建議下來到福州傳教。此時正值滿人入關並迅速佔領北方諸省,耶穌會於是將中國傳教副省分為南北兩個區域,北方的耶穌會士以湯若望為代表已開始為清廷效力;而南方則在艾儒略、畢方濟(Francesco Sambiasi, 1582-1649)、何大化、卜彌格(Michael Boym, 1612-1659)、瞿紗微(Andeas Xavier Koffler, 1603-1652)等人帶領下,與南明政權保持關係。何大化所掌管的福州天主教,受到了隆武朝的重視和禮遇。隆武朝持續時間僅有兩年,清軍攻占福州後,何大化開始接觸滿族地方大員,尤其與佟國器等官員關係密切,從而使福建傳教區未遭嚴重破壞,且其立場也由擁護南明抨擊滿人入侵逐漸轉變為尋求滿清政府的保護。福州天主教正因為何大化的這一靈活務實的策略,而在明清鼎革之際得以延續。



ISBN9789993703624 ; 9993703621
War, trade and piracy in the China Seas, 1622-1683
AuthorCheng Wei-chung [Zheng Weizhong 鄭維中], 1974-
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesTANAP monographs on the history of the Asian-European interaction ; v. 16
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS753.2.C5 2013
Descriptionpdf [xxiii, 365 pages : maps ; 25 cm.]

War, trade and piracy in the China Seas, 1622-1683 / by Cheng Wei-chung.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 345-355) and index.

Introduction: The Missing Link -- The tributary system challenged -- Nicolas Iquan before 1627 -- The survival game of the mercenaries, 1628-1631 -- The establishment of the An-Hai trading emporium, 1630-1633 -- Stormy weather at the imperial court and on the south China coast, 1632-1633 -- The winding ways towards the western ocean -- The risk of politics and the politics of risk, 1636-1640 -- In search of silver in a changing world, 1640-1646 -- The open coast of the Chinese empire, 1646-1650 -- Fukienese exceptionalism transformed into a political project, 1650-1654 -- The passions of a merchant prince, 1654-1657 -- From defeat to victory, 1658-1662 -- All acknowledged by the kings, 1663-1667 -- Monopoly lost, 1669-1683 -- Conclusion: defensive and aggressive monopolies.

Approaching its demise, the Ming imperial administration enlisted members of the Cheng family as mercenaries to help in the defense of the coastal waters of Fukien. Under the leadership of Cheng Chih-lung, also known as Nicolas Iquan, and with the help of the local gentry, these mercenaries became the backbone of the empire's maritime defense and the protectors of Chinese commercial interests in the East and South China Seas. The fall of the Ming allowed Cheng Ch'eng-kung-alias Coxinga-and his sons to create a short-lived but independent seaborne regime in China's southeastern coastalprovinces that competed fiercely, if only briefly, with Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English merchants during the early stages of globalization.

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