Author | Jesuits. Letters from missionsStöcklein, Joseph, 1676-1733 |
Place | Augspurg [Augustae Vindelicorum i.e. Augsburg] |
Publisher | Verlag Philips, Martins und Joh. Veith seel. Erben |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | |
Language | German |
Type | Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | BV3417.N4849 1726d |
Description | pdf. [8 v. in 1 : ill., maps ; 34 cm] |
Note | Neue Welt-Bott, mit allerhand Nachrichten dern Missionariorum Soc. Jesu....Allerhand so lehr- als geist-reiche Brief, Schrifften und Reis-Beschreibungen. Erster Bund. : welche von denen Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu aus beyden Indien und andern über Meer gelefenen Landern : seit An. 1642. viss auf das Jahr 1726. in Europa angelangt seynd : jetzt zum erstenmal Theils aus denen Französischen Lettres Edifiantes / verteutscht und zusammen getragen von Joseph Stöcklein ... Added illustrated t.p. title: Der Neue Welt-Bott, mit allerhand Nachrichten dern Missionariorum Soc. Jesu. Der Neue Welt-Bott was a Jesuit missionary periodical written in German and based on the Lettres édifiantes et curieuses. Beginning with translations of French letters, it later became the first serialized publication of German language Jesuit reports from missions worldwide, although today it is best known for its China-related content. Published between 1726-1758 (1761 if missing numbers are included) in 4,500 pages including images, maps, cultural commentary. For a full description with detailed index of contents, authors, and correspondence, see: Claudia von Collani, "Der Neue Welt-Bott: a preliminary survey" in Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XXV (2003) pp. 16-43. For links to individual numbers see the aggregate page on Bibliotheca Sinica 2.0. Digital editions also available at HathiTrust and at Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. The first volume (8 parts) of the German Jesuit relations, 1642-1726, chiefly from Asia & America, based in part on the French Lettres Edifiantes, in part on the original manuscript reports of the German & other Missionaries; one of the important pieces of German Americana, including, e.g., a map of California & New Mexico; large old bookplate of Joh. Ernst Graf von Kueffstein, engraved by Nicolai, Vienna.--OCLC record. |