Subject: Han Yingbi 韓應陛, d.1860--Library

Xu Guangqi weikan biji Kaicheng jiyao chukao 徐光啟未刊筆記開成紀要初考
AuthorGong Yingyan 龔纓晏
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherFudan daxue chubanshe 復旦大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeExtract (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQ127.C6 G656 2017
Descriptiondig.pdf. [8 p.]
NoteXu Guangqi weikan biji Kaicheng jiyao chukao 徐光啟未刊筆記《開成紀要》初考 / Gong Yingyan 龔纓晏.
Extract from: Fudan xuebao 復旦學報(社會科學版); 2017年第4期, pp. 53-60.
浙江圖書館藏有一部題為《開成紀要》的抄本,抄寫者是近代上海藏書家韓應陛,抄本最後有上海現代文人姚鵷雛的跋文。 《開成紀要》的內容非常龐雜,以機械製作、金屬加工、礦山開採為主,同時涉 及農、牧、漁、造紙、化工、瓷器燒製、望遠鏡製作等。各種證據表明,這部抄本實際上是徐光啟的一部未刊筆記,其內容大體上可以分為兩大部分。第一部分是關於中國傳統的一些民間工藝,第二部分則是來自歐洲的科技新知識,包括由歐洲文字直接音譯而來的專業詞彙。在這些來自歐洲的科技新知識中,有的 是由利瑪竇輸入的,有的則來自其他傳教士。 《開成紀要》的主要價值在於,它不僅有助於進一步探討徐 光啟的科技成就,而且還為深入研究中國古代科技史,特別是明末西方科技知識在中國的傳播問題提供了寶貴的資料。同時,這部抄本對於研究松江韓氏讀有用書齋也具有一定的意義。此外,借助於《開成紀要》,可以糾正現行《徐光啟全集》中的一些文字錯誤。
【關鍵詞】《開成紀要》徐光啟 利瑪竇 韓應陛 姚鵷雛

Kai Cheng Ji Yao: An Unpublished Work by Xu Guangqi ( Paul Xu)
GONG Ying-yan (College of Humanities,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China)
Abstract: The author of this paper has discovered a copy titled as Kai Cheng Ji Yao kept in Zhejiang Library. Although the copy was transcribed by Han Yingbi, a famous bibliophile in modern Shanghai, it showed that this is in fact an unpublished work by Xu Guangqi (Paul Xu). The content of Kai Cheng Ji Yao can be divided into two parts. The first part is about some of the traditional folk crafts in Chinese, and the second part is about some new knowledge of science and technology from Europe of which some was surely introduced by Matteo Ricci,while others were introduced by other European missionaries. This recently discovered work provides a new document not only for further exploring Xu Guangqi’s achievements in science and technology, but also for the in-depth research of the traditional Chinese science and technology, especially the European knowledge introduced by the missionaries in the late Ming Dynasty. At the same time, this copy is also contributive to the study of Han Yingbi and his private library.
Key words: Kai Cheng Ji Yao; Xu Guangqi; Matteo Ricci; Han Yingbi; Yao Yuanchu.

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