Subject: Liu, Monica [Liu Hebei 劉河北]--Art

Zhonghua xundao shengren huace : yibaiershiyiwei 中華殉道聖人畫冊 : 壹佰貳拾壹位. [Martyr Saints of China]
AuthorLiu, Monica [Liu Hebei 劉河北]Jingli Zhonghua shengren tuiguang zu 敬禮中華聖人推廣組
PlaceTainan 台南
PublisherWendao chubanshe 聞道出版社
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBX4655.3.L59 2010
Description279 p. : color ill. ; 31 cm.
NoteZhonghua xundao shengren huace : yibaiershiyiwei 中華殉道聖人畫冊 : 壹佰貳拾壹位 = The martyr saints of China / Liu Hebei [Monica] 劉河北, Jingli Zhonghua shengren tuiguang zu 敬禮中華聖人推廣組.
Boxed volume; features full-color paintings of 121 martyred Chinese Catholics, most of whom perished in 1900 amid the Boxer Rebellion, with short biographies on facing pages. All but one - Zhang Wenlan 張文蘭 - are saints, i.e. the Martyr Saints of China. An appendix lists the martyrs by name and by the day on which they were martyred.
ISBN9789868640504 ; 9868640504