Subject: China--Officials and employees--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--Indexes

Index to Ch'ing tai ch'ou pan i wu shih mo. [Qingdai chouban yiwu shimo suoyin 清代籌辧夷務始末索引]
AuthorRowe, David Nelson, 1905-1985
PlaceHamden, CT
PublisherShoe String Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS754.18.C356 1960 Index
Descriptionxi, 855 pages ; 23 cm.
NoteIndex to Ch'ing tai ch'ou pan i wu shih mo / edited by David Nelson Rowe and with the assistance of Shaozeng Yang [and] Sophia S.F. Yen ; Compilers: Chengsun Chang [and others] = 清代籌辨 [i.e. 辧]夷務始末索引 / 饒大衞 [and others].
Frontispiece in Chinese.