Subject: China, Northeast [Dongbei 東北]--History--Maps

Historical atlas of northeast Asia, 1590-2010 : Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia
AuthorNarangoa, LiCribb, R. B. (Robert B.)
PlaceNew York
PublisherColumbia University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeAtlas, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberG2301.S1 N3 2014
Description1 atlas [xiv, 336 p. : color maps ; 21 x 26 cm.]

Historical atlas of northeast Asia, 1590-2010 : Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia / by Li Narangoa and Robert Cribb.
Scales differ.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Acknowledgments -- Methodology and Sources -- Terminology and Spelling Abbreviations -- Introduction: Northeast Asia Contested Term, Contested Region -- Geography -- Climate and Human Ecology -- Peoples and Languages -- Politics -- Part I. 1590-1700 -- Part II. 1700-1800 -- Part III. 1800-1900 -- Part IV. 1900-2010 -- Appendix A. Historical Maps -- Appendix B. Gazetteer -- Bibliography --Map Sources-- Index.

Local access dig.pdf. [Historical Atlas of Northeast Asia (2014).pdf]

ISBN9780231160704 ; 0231160704
Kort over det Østlige Tartari til den Almindelige Reisebeskrivelse af Jesuiternes Kort [map]
AuthorHaas, L.
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfMap Case
Call NumberG2301.S1 H22 1748
Description1 color map [23 x 33.5 cm.]

Kort over det Østlige Tartari til den Almindelige Reisebeskrivelse af Jesuiternes Kort / [L. Haas].
Copper engraved map (hand colored) of Eastern Tartary around the Amur River. Drawn by L. Haas. Mountains depicted in relief. Names and explanatory notes in Danish. 23 x 33.5 cm. [Copenhagen, between 1748 and 1760]. From the work: General History by M. Bellin, "Ingenieur de la Marine et du depost des Plans de l'Academie de Marine."