Subject: Painting, Chinese--China--Beijing--Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1911

Imperial illusions : crossing pictorial boundaries in the Qing palaces
AuthorKleutghen, Kristina Renée
PublisherUniversity of Washington Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesArt history publication initiative
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberND1047.B45 K59 2015
Descriptionxv, 379 p. : ill. (mostly color) ; 27 cm.

Imperial illusions : crossing pictorial boundaries in the Qing palaces / Kristina Kleutghen.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction: a new vision of painting -- Painted walls and pictorial illusions -- The study of vision -- Contemplating the future -- Peacocks and cave-heavens -- Staging Europe -- The beauty in the garden -- Epilogue: illusions, imperial and otherwise.

"In the Forbidden City and other palaces around Beijing, Emperor Qianlong (r. 1736-1795) surrounded himself with monumental paintings of architecture, gardens, people, and faraway places. The best artists of the imperial painting academy, including a number of European missionary painters, used Western perspectival illusionism to transform walls and ceilings with visually striking images that were also deeply meaningful to Qianlong. These unprecedented works not only offer new insights into late imperial China's most influential emperor, but also reflect one way in which Chinese art integrated and domesticated foreign ideas. In Imperial Illusions, Kristina Kleutghen examines all known surviving examples of the Qing court phenomenon of "scenic illusion paintings" (tongjinghua), which today remain inaccessible inside the Forbidden City. Produced at the height of early modern cultural exchange between China and Europe, these works have received little scholarly attention. Richly illustrated, Imperial Illusions offers the first comprehensive investigation of the aesthetic, cultural, perceptual, and political importance of these illusionistic paintings essential to Qianlong's world." -- Publisher's description.

ISBN9780295994109 ; 029599410X
Qingdai gongting huihua 清代宮廷繪畫 . [Paintings of the court artists of the Qing court]
AuthorNie Chongzheng 聶崇正
PlaceHong Kong 香港, Shanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai kexue jishu chubanshe 上海科學技術出版社, Shangwu yinshuguan Xianggang fenguan 商务印書館香港分館
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese, English
TypeBook (Collection catalog)
SeriesGugong bowuyuan cang wenwu zhenpin daxi 故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系 = The complete collection of the treasures of the Palace Museum
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberND1043.5 C5353 1999
Description21, 298 pages : chiefly color illus. ; 29 cm.

Qingdai gongting huihua 清代宮廷繪畫 . [Paintings of the court artists of the Qing court] / Nie Chongzheng 聶崇正.

ISBN9787532351954 ; 7532351955