Subject: Xie Xuehong 謝雪紅, 1901-1970

Ts'ai Mao-t'ang papers [Cai Maotang 蔡懋棠]
AuthorSweeten, Alan RichardCai Maotang 蔡懋棠, 1922-1978
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese, English
TypeManuscript, Manuscript (digital)
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberDS895.C35 S9 1971
Description1 folder [manuscript (2, 40 p.), 6 docs.]
NoteTs'ai Mao-t'ang papers,
Handwritten notebook in Cai's hand, with xerox copies of petitions and one letter with English translation dated Aug.1, 1971. The letter is a commentary on his arrest and gratitude for supporters efforts on his behalf.

1. Memoirs (notebook mss, Chinese, 40 pp.)
2. Photocopy of handwritten copy of 1953 “court” recordings indicting Ts’ai (Chinese, 16 pp.)
3. Photocopy of 1971 “court” summons (Chinese, 2 pp.)
4. Photocopy of 1971 “court” ruling (Chinese, 2 pp.)
5. Photocopy of Ts’ai’s message to Stanford Center students (Chinese, 2 pp.; English, 1 p.)
6. Photocopy of Stanford University student newspaper article, 21 Oct. 1971 (English, 1 p.)
7. Explanatory information from Alan Richard Sweeten (2 pp.).