Subject: Art, Buddhist--China--Tibet 西藏

Buddhist art of the Tibetan Plateau. [Zangchuan Fojiao yishu 藏傳佛教藝術. English]
AuthorLiu Lizhong 劉勵中, 1938-Kiggell, Ralph
PlaceSan Francisco
PublisherChina Books & Periodicals
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1st English ed.
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103 Oversize
Call NumberN8193.3T3 L513 1988
Description362 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 33 cm.
NoteBuddhist art of the Tibetan Plateau / compiled and photographed by Liu Lizhong ; edited and translated by Ralph Kiggell.
Includes index.
Originally published in Chinese in 1987 under title: Zangchuan Fojiao yishu 藏傳佛教藝術 = Bod rgyud nan bstan gyi sgyu rstal by Xianggang Sanlian shudian 香港三聯書店.
Buddhist symbols in Tibetan culture : an investigation of the nine best-known groups of symbols . [Buddhistische Glückssymbole im tibetischen Kulturraum. English]
AuthorThurman, Robert A. F.Dagyab, Loden Sherap 扎雅·諾丹西繞Walshe, Maurice
PublisherWisdom Publications
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBQ5115.C5 D3613 1995
Descriptionxvii, 148 p. : illus. ; 23 cm.

Buddhist symbols in Tibetan culture : an investigation of the nine best-known groups of symbols . [Buddhistische Glückssymbole im tibetischen Kulturraum. English] / Loden Sherap Dagyab 扎雅·諾丹西繞, trans. Maurice Walshe. Foreword by Robert A. F. Thurman.

German original published in 1992.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 143-147).

"The Queen's Earrings. The Fur-Bearing Fish. The Endless Knot. Tibetan Buddhism is filled with rich, colorful symbols. But what do they all mean?" "In this fascinating study, Dagyab Rinpoche not only explains the nine best-known groups of Tibetan Buddhist symbols, but also shows how they serve as bridges between our inner and outer worlds. As such, they can be used to point the way to ultimate reality, and to transmit a reservoir of deep knowledge formed over thousands of years."--Jacket.


Essentials of Tibetan Thought -- Non-Conventional Reality -- 1. The Eight Symbols of Good Fortune -- 2. The Eight Bringers of Good Fortune -- 3. The Seven Jewels of Royal Power -- 4. The Seven Secondary Jewels -- 5. The Seven Gems -- 6. The Six Signs of Long Life -- 7. The Five Qualities of Enjoyment -- 8. The Four Harmonious Brothers -- 9. The Three Symbols of Victory in the Fight against Disharmony.

ISBN0861710479 ; 9780861710478
Deities of Tibetan Buddhism : the Zürich paintings of the icons worthwhile to see (bris sku mthoṅ ba don ldan)
AuthorWillson, MartinBrauen, Martin
PublisherWisdom Publications
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
TypeBook (Photocopy)
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBQ4660.C6 D45 2000
Description3 v. ; bound photocopies ; xv, 602 ; illus. ; 21 x 28 cm.

Deities of Tibetan Buddhism : the Zürich paintings of the icons worthwhile to see (bris sku mthoṅ ba don ldan) / Martin Willson and Martin Brauen.

3 vols.

ISBN9780861710980 ; 0861710983
Han-Zang Fojiao meishu yanjiu : di san jie Xizang kaogu yu yishu guoji xueshu taolunhui lunwenji 漢藏佛教美術研究:第三屆西藏考古與藝術國際學術討論會論文集
AuthorXie Jisheng 謝繼勝Luo Wenhua 羅文華Jing Anning 景安寧
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese, English
TypeBook (Conference Proceedings)
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberN8193.C6 I574 2006
Description594 pp. : illus., maps ; 26 cm.

Conference proceedings, papers in Chinese and English.
Han-Zang Fojiao meishu yanjiu : di san jie Xizang kaogu yu yishu guoji xueshu taolunhui lunwenji 漢藏佛教美術研究:第三屆西藏考古與藝術國際學術討論會論文集 / Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝, Luo Wenhua 羅文華, Jing Anning 景安寧 eds.

Contains an article on Qianlong's tomb.

ISBN9787532551583 ; 753255158X
Longpao yu jiasha : Qinggong Zangchuan Fojiao wenhua kaocha 龍袍與袈裟:清宮藏傳佛教文化考察
AuthorLuo Wenhua 羅文華
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZijincheng chubanshe 紫禁城出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZijin shuxi 紫禁書系 ; 1
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBQ643.L86 2005
Description2 vols. (668 pp.) : illus. (chiefly color) ; 25 cm.

Longpao yu jiasha : Qinggong Zangchuan Fojiao wenhua kaocha 龍袍與袈裟:清宮藏傳佛教文化考察 / Luo Wenhua 羅文華.




第一章 萬神殿:藏傳佛教神系的成立與完善
第一節 印度佛教神系的形成與嬗變
第二節 西藏對佛教神系的引進與構建
第三節 清代宮廷對藏傳佛教神系的最後完善
第二章 智珠心印:清宮佛堂解析
第一節 故宮雨花閣藏密神系及其密宗四部思想
第二節 雨花閣唐卡
第三節 清宮六品佛樓
第三章 空與幻的美:佛教造像藝術
第一節 故宮藏斯瓦特風格銅造像
第二節 故宮藏喀什米爾風格銅造像
第三節 西藏古格那嘎拉咱王及其銅造像
第四節 故宮藏喀爾喀蒙古銅造像
第五節 清官藏傳佛教造像
第四章 線條與色彩:佛教經典中的繪畫
第一節 明人書內府金藏經
第二節 乾隆時期宮廷藏傳佛教繪畫
第五章 感性與理性:清代宮廷佛教史拾零
第一節 清代駐京喇嘛管理機構
第二節 乾隆九年尼泊爾工匠進京考
第三節 滿文《大藏經》編纂史略
第四節 乾隆時期滿文阿禮嘎禮字

ISBN9787800475085 ; 7800475085
Xizang zongjiao yishu 西藏宗教藝術
AuthorDagyab, Loden Sherap 扎雅·諾丹西繞Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝, trans.
PublisherXizang renmin chubanshe 西藏人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberN8193.T52 D3313 1989
Description370 pp., 48 pp. of plates : illus. (some color) ; 21 cm.

Xizang zongjiao yishu 西藏宗教藝術 / Loden Sherap Dagyab 扎雅·諾丹西繞, translated by Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝.

The religious art of Tibet.

Second printing of 1997.

ISBN9787223002523 ; 7223002522