Subject: He Yaoguang [Ho Yao-kuang] 何耀光, 1907-2006--Art collections

Ming yimin shuhualu 明遺民書畫錄. [Zhilelou suocang 至樂楼所藏]
AuthorLao Tianbi 勞天庇He Yaoguang [Ho Yao-kuang] 何耀光, 1907-2006Zhilelou 至樂樓 (Hong Kong)
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherHeshi Zhilelou 何氏至樂楼
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Exhibition catalog)
SeriesHeshi Zhilelou congshu 何氏至樂楼叢書 ; 1
Call NumberZ43.A2 L267 1962
Description2, 6, 100 p., 8 lvs. of plates : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteMing yimin shuhualu 明遺民書畫錄 / Lao Tianbi bian 勞天庇編.
At head of title: Zhilelou suocang 至樂楼所藏.
Pre-exhibition catalog of an exhibition to be held Dec. 20-22, 1962, at Xianggang Dahuitang ba lou 香港大會堂八樓.
Paintings and calligraphy by Ming I-min from the Chih-lo Lou Collection. Zhileloucang Ming yimin shuhua 至樂樓藏明遺民書畫. [Zhilelou shuhua lu至樂樓書畫錄]
AuthorRao Zongyi [Jao Tsung-i] 饒宗頤, b. 1917Chinese University of Hong Kong. Art GalleryHe Yaoguang [Ho Yao-kuang] 何耀光, 1907-2006
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherGaiguan 該館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
TypeBook (Exhibition catalog)
SeriesWenwuguan congshu 文物館叢書 ; 10
Call NumberND1043.5.P28 R279 1975
Description[26] p., 203 p. of plates : chiefly ill. ; 27 cm.
Note至樂樓藏明遺民書畫 : 香港中文大學中國文化研究所文物館 ・ 展期1975年9月 = Paintings and calligraphy by Ming I-min from the Chih-lo Lou Collection / Art Gallery, Institute of Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Exhibition held in Hong Kong, September 1975.
Introduction written by Rao Zongyi 饒宗頤.
"何氏至樂樓庋藏書畫甚豐 ... 1962 年曾在大會堂展出一次. 前年又有(至樂樓書畫錄--明遺民之部)之刊行 ... 此次在文物館展出者即該著錄所載之全部書畫, 並攝影製版以成此册.
Introductory material and captions in English and Chinese.
Bibliography: p. [23-24].