Subject: Seagrave, Sterling, 1937-. Soong Dynasty

Xiang yige hezui de shuishou : Li Dongfang boshi lun Xigeleifu de Songshi chaodai 像一個喝醉的水手 : 黎東方博士論席格雷夫的宋氏朝代 = Like a drunken sailor : Professor Orient Lee’s Comment on Sterling Seagrave, the author of The Soong Dynasty
AuthorLi Dongfang 黎東方, 1907-1998
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherLianjing chuban shiye gongsi 聯經出版事業公司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesShijie ribao congkan 世界日報叢刊
Call NumberDS774.X516 L527 1985
Description16, 28 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteXiang yi ge hezui de shuishou 像一個喝醉的水手 : 黎東方博士論席格雷夫的"宋氏朝代" = Like a drunken sailor : Professor Orient Lee’s Comment on Sterling Seagrave, the author of The Soong Dynasty.
In Chinese and English, with English text on inverted pages.
Title: Like a drunken sailor : Professor Orient Lee’s Comment on Sterling Seagrave, the author of The Soong Dynasty.
民國74 [1985].