Subject: Nanking Massacre, Nanjing Shi, China, 1937--Personal narratives, German

good man of Nanking : the diaries of John Rabe. [John Rabe. Der gute Deutsche von Nanking. English]
AuthorRabe, John, 1882-1950Wickert, Erwin, 1915-2008Woods, John E. (John Edwin), 1942-
PlaceNew York
PublisherA.A. Knopf
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionFirst American Edition
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS796.G772 R223 1998
Descriptionxx, 294 p. : ill., maps, ports., facsims. ; 25 cm.
NoteThe good man of Nanking : the diaries of John Rabe / edited by Erwin Wickert ; translated from the German by John E. Woods.
Includes maps of Nanking and Asia in 1938.
Includes bibliography: p. 289-294.
The personal journals of German businessman John Rabe describe the 1937 Japanese siege of Nanking and his efforts to protect the Chinese from the massacre that followed.

Contents: Foreword / Erwin Wickert -- From John Rabe's Nanking Diary -- How It Began -- Things Get Serious -- Waiting for the Attack -- The Japanese March In -- Christmas -- New Year -- The Diplomats Return -- Closing Down the Siemens Nanking Branch -- The Japanese Want to Clear the Safety Zone -- The Living Buddha -- Farewell -- John Rabe in His German Homeland -- Between the Nanking and Berlin Diaries -- John Rabe's Berlin Diary -- Afterword / Erwin Wickert.

Translation of: John Rabe. Der gute Deutsche von Nanking.

ISBN037540211X ; 9780375402111