Subject: Huikai 慧開, 1183-1260. Wumenguan 無門關

development of Chinese Zen after the Sixth Patriarch in the light of Mumonkan
AuthorDumoulin, HeinrichSasaki, Ruth Fuller, 1883-1967
PlaceNew York
PublisherFirst Zen Institute of America
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberBL1432.D383 D867 1953
Descriptionxxii, 146 p., [1] ℓ of plates : ill. ; 26 cm.
NoteThe development of Chinese Zen after the Sixth Patriarch in the light of Mumonkan / translated from the German with additional notes and appendices by Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
Translation of: Die Entwicklung des chinesischen Ch'an nach Hui-nêng im Lichte des Wu-mên-kuan.
Errata slip inserted.
Bibliography: p. 79-86.
Includes index.