Subject: Religion--Philosophy--Congresses

Shiji zhi jiao de zongjiao yu zongjiaoxue yanjiu 世紀之交的宗教與宗教學研究. [Luojia zhexue luntan 4 : 珞珈哲學論壇. 第四輯]
AuthorWuhan daxue Renwen kexue xueyuan Zhexuexi 武漢大學人文科學學院哲學系Wuhan daxue Zongjiao xuexi 武漢大學宗教學系
PlaceWuhan 武漢
PublisherHubei renmin chubanshe 湖北人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook (Conference Proceedings)
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberB126.W852 2000
Description5, 7, 878 p. ; 20 cm.
Note珞珈哲学论坛. 第四辑, 世纪之交的宗教与宗教学研究 / 武汉大学人文科学学院哲学系, 武汉大学人文科学学院宗教学系编.
Table of contents and statement of responsibility also in English: Luojia Philosophical Forum volume IV.
"本辑收入论文和介绍性文章67篇, 其内容涉及宗教学的大多数分支学科, 如马克思主义宗教学, 宗教哲学, 宗教伦理学, 宗教社会学, 宗教心理学, 宗教与文学艺术, 宗教人类学等"--OCLC record.
Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies
AuthorZhang Zhigang 張志剛Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies (1st : 1994-1995 : Beijing)Stewart, Melville Y.
PlaceSan Francisco
PublisherInternational Scholars Publications
TypeBook (Conference Proceedings)
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberB20.S94 1994
Description1 v. ; 22 cm.
NoteThe Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies / ǂc Melville Y. Stewart and Zhang Zhigang, editors ; Zhou Weichi, translator.
Twenty-four papers presented at this symposium.
v. 1. East & west philosophy of religion.