Subject: Philosophy--China--Six dynasties, 220-589--Bibliography

Wei Jin Nan-Bei Chao shi yanjiu lunwen shumu yinde 魏晉南北朝史研究論文書目引得
AuthorKuang Li’an 鄺利安
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaiwan Zhonghua shuju 臺灣中華書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library [F2]
LanguageChinese, Japanese, Korean
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberZ3108.A3 K8 1971
Description6, 8, 246 p. ; 22 cm.
NoteIn Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Introductory material also in English, with added title: An introduction to theses on the study of the dynasty of Wei and Jin and that of the dynasty of South and North China.
Bibliographical topics are: Minzu 民族, Zhengzhi 政制, Caijing 財經, Junshi 軍事, Shehui 社會, Zhejiao 哲教, Jingxue 經學, Shixue 史學, Zhuzi 諸子, Wenxue 文學, Wenwu 文物, Shujing mulu 書籍目錄, Gongju 工具, Buyi 補遺.